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  The rest of the day consisted of sleeping through most of his classes except P.E and Chemistry since both were hands on classes. Haven hated getting no sleep he may be a morning person but it didn’t stay that way if he didn’t get much sleep.

  His energy levels hit an all-time low after he finished off the energy drink that lasted all through first and second period. However the rest of the day he slept fitfully, embarrassing himself twice.

  The first time was in second period, Algebra II honors. He was dreaming of running again. The pain in his back, the rush of the woods around him all the same besides this time it was day out and the engines from the first time was back. He was running from someone again. As an arrow whistled through the air and hit him in the shoulder he slipped out of his chair and hit the class tiled floor hard.

  He dragged his book off the desk which smashed into his head. Stars danced around in front his eyes and he shook off the dizzy pain from his dream. Rolling his shoulder where the dream arrow pierced him. He thanked god and whoever else was listening that the damn text book didn’t give him a concussion, though had to bear through the class laughing at him and the teacher trying to convince him to go to the nurse.

  The second time he was in study hall he was standing outside of the boy’s bathroom while Eli covered the ceiling in wet paper towel wads. Eli wouldn’t tell Haven claiming the less he knew the better off he was but apparently Eli and the janitor had it out for each other and took pot shots whenever they had the chance.

  Eli would create messes all throughout the school while the janitor set him off to the principle when he caught him wandering the halls even if he had a hall pass. Haven wanted nothing to do with it anyway he was too busy falling asleep and smashing his face into the close by lockers at the moment to care what Eli was doing in the bathroom. A few girls walking by laughed at him, one took pity and gave him a can of soda she had.

  Haven was just grateful for the final bell to ring bringing him out of his half dazed half asleep stare. Someone sitting next to him told him he looked like a zombie as he passed by. Haven was to out of it to do much more than flip off the kid’s retreating back. He gathered his things and headed for the door. Mara met him out in the hall, he’d all but forgotten about showing her around town. So he just stared at her in confusion when she greeted him.

  “Earth to Haven,” Mara smiled in amusement as she waved her hand in front of his face.

  “Right sorry, Just a bit out of it today.” He said. Mara nodded and tucked a stay strand of hair behind her ear. She wore cross earing which was either Goth or super religious.

  “Do you have a car?” She asked Haven did in fact have a car though it was more of a side project then something he used. Haven wouldn’t say that, he didn’t prefer driving anywhere he didn’t have to. The grocery store, the school and all of his friends’ houses were within walking distance and he really didn’t want to feel like a douche bag driving a Bumblebee styled Camaro.

  Granted it wasn’t in the best condition but again it was more of a side project and he planned on getting it repainted, yellow was not one of his favorite colors. He had a driver’s license, yes, but he never used it.

  “Not with me.” Haven answered instead of explaining everything to her about his car. Mara nodded.

  “Okay good, we can take mine.” She smiled and at that point Haven remembered something.

  “Right, but we have to stop by my place first I have to feed my dog.” He told her.

  “Okay no problem.” She smiled brightly and led him off to her black convertible. Haven was beginning to think Mara did have a Goth thing going on. She had worn all black both times Haven had seen her, but it was a stylish all black, with less chains and moody atmosphere most Goths had. Haven began to wonder if it was possible to be stylish and Goth at the same time, like a Fashionista Goth, Haven didn’t like that idea.

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