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  Running was something Hunter loved doing, always no matter where he was, speed and the feeling of all his muscles working together to propel him forward at amazing speeds. Hunter couldn’t remember a time when he didn’t like to run and leave everything behind. To feel the rush of wind, faster and faster almost as if he could escape it all and disappear into the distance.

  Hunter now sat at the boarder separating the forest and Haven’s family’s back yard, feeling completely at ease just sitting there, still, listening, watchful. Not running or pacing just sitting there completely still. The faint rush of water of the close streams running circuits through the forest, the muffled sound of the TV and running washer from inside the house and the calm breathing of Haven who was sitting on the porch doing his homework. Hunter watched taking catalogue of each rustle of leaves and the buck passing by with his doe and fawn.

  The days have been quiet, Hunter was sure the hunters would have attacked by now. He’s been on edge for months since that bitch showed up, her scent covered the forest she’s been staking out since the incident with the arrow through the kitchen window that had been replaced a few days ago. Karen still set him on edge whenever she’d look at him with that thoughtful calculating look of hers.

  The back door opened and Hunter turned to the sound. Haven’s friend Eli stepped out and smiled a greeting. It was the first time ever meeting the kid whose been to skittish to meet Hunter. He’s wanted to meet Eli, Haven mentions him a lot. Hunter waited for the formalities between Eli and Haven to finish and for Eli to sit down before he even moved; which was a simple ear twitch.

  Eli eyed Hunter who stared right back; it was a pity Hunter was down wind. However he was supposed to be just a dog so he got up and wondered over to the two boys and sniffed Eli suspiciously, citrus and blossoms mixed in with fear and anxiety.

  “He’s not going to bite is he?” Eli asked nervously to which Haven chuckled.

  “Don’t move, he can smell fear,” Haven said in a teasing manner. Damn right he can smell fear it was so potent and sour smelling. He was sure he could smell fear from a mile away, give or take a few yards. Eli froze after Haven spoke staring at Hunter who again just stared back. Haven watched the two of them. He then decided to lean in close to his friend and whispered.

  “Looking him in the eye is a challenge for dominates.” Eli shoved Haven away finally catching onto Haven’s teasing. Hunter watched the two quietly for a moment before getting bored. He huffed out a bark and was surprised by how high Eli jumped at the sound. Hunter was going to bark again when he heard a sound and spun around catching sight of fur that defiantly wasn’t deer. Hunter bolted after it ignoring Haven’s shouts for him.

  The forest was familiar to an extent. He’d never really been in these woods before but he’d roamed them, looking for stray hunters to attack, drag off and leave somewhere to die. Unfortunately it was dark during those times and he was running around mostly by scent during those times. However following the scent of another wolf was child’s play, it wasn’t until he caught wind of more than five that Hunter slowed as he realized he’d come across a pack’s den.

  Hunter moved to turn back when three wolves descended on him, all clearly trained in battle as they circled him. Hunter froze watching their movements closely hoping none would lunge. One was a dark brown the second was pitch black much like Hunter however he was larger and the third was clearly an Omega with his white pelt though he looked tough as he held himself much like the other two.

  “Well, what do we have here boys?” The black pelt mused as he bore his teeth. The Omega remained quiet as his superiors spoke.

  “A stray, maybe?” The brown one offered and took a quick sniff of Hunter who growled in response.

Grimm Fantasies: Little Red [FIRST DRAFT]Where stories live. Discover now