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  Haven and Karen were the talk of the school on Monday. Everyone was gossiping about the threats on their family. Apparently their father had a hit on him and was in witness protection program when the assassins found him and are back trying to off him in some brutal way. The other rumors were hunting mishap, vengeful ex-girlfriend and serial killer. Eli relayed this all to them as they walked to school. Haven frowned at most of them, who came up with these stupid stories.

  “Anyway, a few kids saw that shirtless guy drag us away the other day and people are saying we’re mixed up in some gangs or something.” Eli went on.

  “That’s stupid.” Karen argued and Eli nodded sympathetically. “We aren’t drug dealers.”

  “Actually, guns and weapons dealers are the popular gossip.” Eli injected with a hesitant smile.

  “What the actual hell is wrong with people!?” Karen growled in annoyance.

  “Karen language,” A close by teacher warned. Karen bowed her head in embarrassment.

  “Are people going to avoid us now?” Haven asked then, he didn’t have very many friends to begin with but he didn’t want to be an outcast.

  “Na I think you’re fine man.” Eli patted him on the back and smiled. Haven wasn’t stupid he was the hesitation in Eli’s smile. “You only have me what other friends’ do you need?” Eli smile was suddenly more genuine at the brutal truth of that statement.

  “What about me? I’ve got a social life here I can’t be branded as a mobster.” She complained as she watched others give them odd looks. “Well great.” She sneered in utter annoyance.

  “Relax Karen people are going to think the rumors are true.” Eli patted her shoulder.

  “They already think they’re true!” Karen argued. “Do you know how annoying that is?”

  “Na, being branded a perv because I know practically everyone’s names even before I meet them completely different.” Eli said begrudgingly. Karen gave him a sympathetic smile as they sat down at their usual table.

  “I don’t like this. It’s stupid, the cops didn’t find anything and we aren’t arms dealers just because an arrow crashed through out kitchen window.” Haven ranted out with a huff.

  “Yeah but everyone one likes gossip.” Eli pointed out. Haven frowned at that and responded with, “Everyone is stupid.”

  “Everyone is listening.” Kara nudged her brother and plastered on a cheap smile. Haven didn’t bother he knew how judgmental kids at this school were. They’d already made up their minds up about them.

  Haven was right, the entire school stirred clear of him and his sister. Besides the daring and curious, though Haven preferred to be ignored then bombarded with taunts and questions. Though Haven couldn’t say it he was surprised, everyone was already wary of him. After all he was the weirdo that got lost in the forest twice. When he was found the first time he kept going on about talking wolves and fairies. Haven told the cops all that happened and they wrote it off as childhood imagination that allowed him to cope with the stressful situation, though Haven remembered it all.

  Haven’s mother told him to stay in the yard, though he was a rebellious child and Karen was taking up all of his parent’s time so of course he wasn’t going to listen. Karen had just joined their family and Haven already didn’t like the stuck up little girl. She was always crying and pouting. Haven was so annoyed with her.

  The only reason he was outside was because Karen started crying over the PB and J’s Haven’s mother had made for lunch. Haven knew her parents had just died and he knew he’d be sad if his parents went away like that. Haven wanted to comfort her but he didn’t know how and being around her was just uncomfortable.

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