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  Hunter’s arm is wrapped around Haven’s waist as they stumble through the dense forest leaving an obvious trail to follow as blood drips from Haven, whose taking in ragged breaths and can’t stand on his own.

  Hunter half drags half carries Haven from the Electric Rain pack home, keeping an ear out for any signs of pursuers but so far hasn’t found any. He hopes that maybe he’d managed to step off their territory and they were in the clear.

  Hunter can hear Haven panting out his name in pained breathes but ignores it best he can and focuses on the weaving heartbeat within Haven’s chest. He needed to get Haven somewhere safe to help quicken the healing process but before he can do that he trips sending them both tumbling to the ground.

  Haven screams out in pain and clutches his side as they hit the ground. Hunter’s first thought is Haven’s scream just gave them away to any one tracking them but his attention is quickly snatched away as Haven grabbed his arm with a weak grip.

  “Hun-Hunter…I’m dying…” He chokes out as blood starts too pool around him.

  “No, no you’re not.” Hunter growls out, “I’m going to protect you remember?” Hunter forces Haven to move his hand from his side and ripped his shirt open, which was covered in blood and claw marks, so he could see the real damage.

  “You…promised…” Haven pants out as tears escape his eyes, “Hunter, please…” Hunter ignores him planning to use the healing powers of his salvia. It’ll close the wounds and stop the bleeding and hopefully give Haven the miracle he needs to stay alive.

  If not…no,

  Hunter couldn’t lose him not when his chest locked up at the mere thought of never seeing him smile again. Haven’s stomach is faring no better than his shirt had as long gashes scrap down his sides, but that’s not what makes Hunter freeze with shock. A bite mark arced its way across Haven’s left shoulder, deep enough to be taking effect.

  If he didn’t bleed out now he’d turn into a wolf, Hunter could smell the bite already taking hold of Haven’s body.

  He could smell the birth of a wolf clinging to Haven but only just barely as Haven struggled to stay alive. It was a foreign scent and Hunter didn’t like it, but it was what Haven needed to stay alive. The wolf would try it’s best to keep its new host alive. Hunter leaned over Haven who kept begging for Hunter to end it,

  “Haven, it’s going to get worse.” Hunter told him and gulped. It would be better if Haven was unconscious when the bite fully takes ahold but he can’t risk the chance of Haven never waking up.

  “…N-no,” Haven gasped out, “P-please…” Haven begged. Hunter ignored him and set to work, carefully licking up Haven’s sides. Haven’s body jerked as he let out another scream. Hunter kissed him, pressing their lips together to quiet him,

  “I won’t lose you,” Hunter breathed when he pulled away, “I can’t.” Haven looked up at him then nodded. “Okay.” Hunter breathes out a sigh of relief.

  “I need you to be quiet; can you do that for me?” Haven nodded again but said nothing. Hunter watched him for a moment before getting back to work. Haven’s body was rigid and tense jerking once in a while but he kept quiet. Not even a whimper escaped his lips.

  He’ll be a strong wolf, Night helpfully provided.

  Hunter soon finished leaving raised pink scars that would most likely never fade. One swept across Haven’s birthmark distorting the image to what Hunter thought looked like a howling wolf.

  “The wolf will below a might howl …” Hunter mused but didn’t have time to ponder anything when Haven suddenly jerked and arched his back up gasping out for air. Hunter jumped at the sudden movement,

Grimm Fantasies: Little Red [FIRST DRAFT]Where stories live. Discover now