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  Haven followed the woman into a small village camped out around a small lake, it was too small to be considered a lake but too big to be called a pond. Houses of all sizes were set up all around the clearing and inside the caves that dotted the hill side had home built within them as well.

  People of all ages were running around and going about their lives and doing chores. A few stopped and stared as Haven passed though Yuna gave them a quick glare and they bowed quickly and went on about their business.

  Yuna led Haven to a large two story home that didn’t look as temporary as the other homes. Though this one was still built off the ground, Haven’s home was sort of like that too it’s foundation was hollow and built off the ground in case of flooding. The homes here were built on stakes and Haven’s was more stable than that. During the rainy season the nearby river tends to over flow even with all the dams that have been put in place.

  A tall man was standing on the porch of this particular home watching as Haven and Yuna approached. His black hair was short and trimmed while the shorter man next to him had longer hair and it was dark blond. He wore a tight collar around his neck and stood slightly behind the taller man.

  “Alpha Blaine,” Yuna bowed in greeting Haven looked at her and tried copying her movements. The taller man nodded. “Alpha Kai,” Yuna greeted again and the shorter man nodded as he watched Haven carefully.

  “Yuna, what did I say about bringing strays home?” Alpha Blaine questioned.

  “Sir, we came across the Fairy Hunt trespassing on our land and attacked we found him after the fact.” Yuna explained shifting nervously and keeping her gaze down.

  “The Fairy Hunt knows better than to come close to our land let alone enter it.” Alpha Kai said with a thoughtful frown.

  “Well the child was with them.”

  “Is he Fea?” A black wolf asked as it walked out of the house both Alphas’ looked over to it. “Zevi,” Alpha Kai said simply as Haven just stared at the dog that talked. Haven looked at all of them and opened his mouth to talk and ask if anyone else herd the wolf but Alpha Blaine spoke first.

  “The Fairy Hunt hasn’t been abducting children for generations.” He crossed his arms across his chest. “What’s your name, boy?” He directed the question towards Haven but Yuna was the one to answer.

  “He said it was Jace. He hasn’t said anything else.” Alpha Blaine looked at her quietly for a moment then turned to Alpha Kai.

  “What do you think we should do?” Alpha Kai looked over to Haven who was looking down at the ground with his hand in his jacket’s pockets and shuffling his feet in the dirt.

  “Take him to the healers, have him cleaned up and give him a hot meal. See if you can get any more information out of him in the process.” Alpha Blaine said. Yuna nodded and touched Haven’s shoulder.

  “Let’s go kiddo.” Haven nodded and followed her. Haven followed Yuna but slowed every time he caught a glimpse of a wolf. They seemed to be everywhere in the village and nobody was freaking out about it. Haven tried getting Yuna’s attention about it but she seemed lost in her own mind and wasn’t paying attention.

  The Healer’s was smaller than the home they’d just been at but it was still really big. The man with orange hair who called himself River was there with a woman who was tending to a girl who looked like she’d been mauled by one of the huge wolves just wondering around town.

  She had large gashes and bites marks all over her body and was bleeding badly but she didn’t look like she was in much pain she was sitting on one of the many beds in the room as the woman treated her wounds.

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