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  Haven stared at his phone like it was some foreign object that fell from the sky one night. Hunter is next to him sleeping as soundly as a wolf does. With his face buried in the pillow, Hunter’s breathing was even and peaceful. Out of simple curiosity Haven looked up Hunter’s name on Google and came up with missing posters and references to some land development company called Electric Rain.

  Staring at the years old missing child files Haven knows he knows the kid in the photos but can’t place it. He figures it’s just because the kid looks a lot like Hunter but that can’t be it the feeling is off. Haven’s sure he’d met this kid before, somewhere in his past but he just can’t place the time or place.

  He finally stirs up the courage to nudge Hunter’s shoulder, “Hey Hunter.” He said trying to rouse the sleeping werewolf who simply mumbled a few illegible words Haven takes as, “What” or just a slurred “Yeah.”

  “What was your packs name?” Haven questioned running through the many articles of the land development company. Hunter turned his head and looked at Haven blankly as he asked,


  “Was it Electric Rain?” Haven inquired only to get a threatening growl and his face shoved down to the pillow as Hunter straddled him.

  “How do you know that name?” Hunter rasped out into Haven’s ear. Haven squirmed and showed him the phone.

  “Phone,” Haven grunted. Hunter took the phone from Haven moving his hand from Haven’s head so he could breathe, even if it was half breaths since Hunter was still stilling on his back.

  “…They were looking for me…” Hunter breathes out, Haven is quiet but not because he had nothing to say but because he really couldn’t breathe. “We need to go.” Hunter said suddenly getting up in a flash of motion liberating Haven’s lungs. He sat up and looked over to the werewolf stumbling around the room to get dressed. Haven’s still not used to seeing Hunter naked, so he just sort of stares until Hunter looked back impatiently. “Are you coming?”

  “Huh?” Haven replies dumbly.

  “To my pack, they’re still alive we can get help from them.” Hunter said. “They’ll know what to do.”

 “Uh…Sure,” Haven said glancing over to the clock that read, 3:56 AM. “But, you know it’s a school night right and my parents are home now… and…” He drifted off when he noticed the look of irritation on Hunter’s face. Haven sighed in defeat. “Fine, we’ll trek out to god knows where at ass o-clock in the freezing cold.” He mumbles as he gets changed.

  “I’m glad you understand and I’m going to ignore the sarcasm.” Hunter responded.

  “Sure.” Haven nodded as he pulled on his jacket.

  Haven stared at the huge house at the end of a long driveway, they’d been driving for hours and the sun was rising above the horizon. Haven couldn’t stop yawning as he sipped on his coffee like a life line.

  The house was huge, it couldn’t be considered a house or even a mansion it was an outright classy hotel out in the middle of nowhere. With a renewed Victorian style, with vines growing up the walls reaching towards the sky and covering the light blue paint of the walls the hotel house building thing was beautiful.

  “You know, the chances of them recognizing you right are very slim.” Haven told him.

  “They’ll recognize my scent.” Hunter told him with certainty. Haven nodded though he didn’t point out the fact they were still sitting in the car just staring at the house. They’d been sitting and just sitting for a good half hour now.

Grimm Fantasies: Little Red [FIRST DRAFT]Where stories live. Discover now