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Trivia Answers‼ Woo

1. Dogs are said to be decedents from wolves, what was the breed(s) Haven thought Hunter was?

  Haven thought Hunter was a Tamaskan; The Tamaskan Dog is a crossbred dog of sled dog type, originating from Finland.

2. Trust and temper runs short with Hunter when it isn’t Haven he’s interacting with, who was it that Hunter had a one sided conversation with on the porch steps?

   Karen, in the chapter Red Haven gets up to go to the bathroom when Karen sits down next to Hunter and accuses him of going feral.

3. While the folk lore is all a product of my own imagination in this story it’s still very real, what is the deity that the wolves believe in and why?

  The Moon Goddess, as the legend goes she sacrifices herself long ago to help light the night and keep everyone safe. Generations pass and people just forget about her besides the wolves whom continue to worship her despite time, then are promptly hunted down for being monsters. The Moon Goddess sends her three children who save the wolves by giving them three gifts, the Strength to fight back, protection or Regeneration to protect themselves and then Camouflage or shape shifting to hide in plain sight.


  Hunter followed the scent trail; it was a little difficult with the recent rains and other humans contaminating the area. He got a lot of stares from passing by humans that kept their distance from him.

  He was after all a huge wolf just trotting down the sidewalk. It wasn’t like he was trying to be menacing, he was trying to find Haven. However the humans still stayed away from him, he didn’t mind. He went on his way but kept an eye out for animal control. He wouldn’t put it past anyone to try calling them, it’s happened before.

  However he eventually found his way to the forest without incident. As he stepped into the tree line it made it easier to track Haven since Hunter could follow the muddy foot prints and broken brush Haven had left in his wake.

  Anyone with basic tracking skills could follow Haven’s clumsy path, it was a bit sad really. Shaking his head Hunter headed farther into the forest, keeping low to the ground and out of sight in case hunters were about. The forest was quiet, not unusually quiet but enough to set Hunter on edge. Each step he took him brought him closer to the fresher scent of Haven but farther from the safety.

  It took longer than expected to find where Haven had gone. The trek through the forest was longer then Hunter thought Haven would have dared wonder away from the town. Haven may have left an obvious trail but he knew where he was going.

  His path was so straight.

  Obviously Haven knew the forest, though Hunter already knew that. Haven loved the outdoors it would have surprised Hunter if Haven didn’t know his surroundings.

  Though where Haven was headed to had to be one of the top questions swimming through Hunter’s head at the moment. Haven had never mentioned a place in the woods he liked to go. He never once went out of view from the house when he ventured out. Haven always seemed to be surprising Hunter every step of the way.

  The trail veered off suddenly going straight down into a deep ravine. The destruction made it clear Haven had tripped or something and fell down. Hunter made his way down to find Haven had spent a lot of time at the bottom.

  He must have passed out after the fall.

  There were no signs of blood or a body so Haven must still be alive. Glancing around Hunter noticed other things. There were branches high up in the trees with ribbons tied to them, delicately drifting in the wind. He’d seen things like that before; they were never a good sign. They were from the Fairy Hunt, markers of places they’d abducted people.

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