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Trivia! Now the point of this is to comment your thoughts K?

1. Haven's school is really large, how was the school devided?

2. Hunter has a good sense of smell, what was the thing he notices about Haven’s mother that Karen refuses to believe?

3. Since I can’t come up with a third question I’ll put a quick fact here, in Japanese 4 is Shi and 2 is Ni if you put the two word together you get Shini which means death in Japanese; and so 42 was not some random number, the more ya know. (Edit: I can't remember where I learned this. I'm not even aure if it's right anymore so don't take this for 100% do some research if you'd like.)


  Karen was jerked around and shoved into a chair, kept into place with a strong hand at her shoulder. Mara watched as she whimpered quietly, she didn’t look like a mindless Werewolf bent on destruction, none of them ever did.

  Mara touched the small golden flower pendant she wore around her neck subconsciously. Her father said Karen was just bitten and hadn’t had her first change yet, like all the rest. Karen’s entire family would need to be hunted down and wiped out before the next full moon.

  She regretted not catching that monster on the full moon but he wasn’t at his best other hunters had gotten to him first and she wanted him to fight back. She wanted that bastard to think he’s got a chance to live when she takes his last breath.

  She wanted,

  She needed; to be the one who delivers the last blow; the final blow must be by her hand.

  He was her salvation.

  Mara’s father circled Karen quietly looking over her body for the bite mark. He told Mara not to expect to find one since the virus hides any indication of infection. Which was what the fast healing was for; it was to hide the bite mark as quickly as possible. To let the infected blend in and infect more people without notice. If it weren’t for the hunters the entire world would be overrun by these monsters.

  Mara ran her hand down her arm feeling the rough texture of the disfiguration as unanswered questions swam through her mind.

  It was a privilege to be a hunter, for generations Mara’s family have been hunting down the things that go bump in the night and purifying the lands of such diseases as lycanthropy and vampirism. Mara was past sixteen and soon she’d have to go through integration. She’d been trained her whole life for her sixteenth birthday and she was ready. If it weren’t for that monster she would have gone through the ceremony on her sixteenth birthday.

  “Mara, come here.” Her father motioned for her with a wave of his left hand as his other had Karen’s shirt pulled up while he inspected her back. “Do you see these marks here?” He pointed to faint marks running down the length on either side of Karen’s spine. Mara kneeled down to look at what her father was pointing at then nodded mutely once she noticed them.

  “That’s proof that we’ve got a super natural on our hands.” He said. Karen made a noise muffled by the gag shoved into her mouth Mara ignored it. She straightened up and looked at her father.

  “Why don’t we just use silver, if it burns will know for sure.” Mara questioned knowing full well what silver did to a wolf. The mere thought of the sound silver made when a wolf’s skin touches it brought a shiver to Mara. She preferred to ignore the feelings that came with it.

  She ignored a lot of things, like the way she loves to run.

  “Silver won’t work on a freshly turned wolf Mara. It’ll only effect a wolf that’s changed before, and we don’t have the grace of time on our side to wait that long.” Mara nodded and looked back to the poor girl. It was the stupid amateurs who ruined months of planning to flush that wolf out of his hiding spot. They just had to try and steal Mara’s kill.

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