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  Haven stared at the bored and started nodding off Fido had kept him up most of the night with the mutt’s stupid nightmares. Haven’s been getting less and less sleep these days. All the paranoia and weird dreams and now he’s babysitting a dog with nightmares. Haven’s had a weird few months ever since that dog showed up. Karen kicked the bottom of his seat jolting him awake, “Forty two.” she whispered urgently.

  “Forty two,” Haven echoed quickly to cover up her voice and the teacher gave him a perplexed look. “I don’t need my eyes to pay attention.” Haven added realizing the teacher had asked him a question to catch him in the act of spacing out. Haven hated that but thanked god Karen sat behind him.

  The teacher returned to explaining the equation on the board. Haven dropped his hand down beside him so Karen could give him a low five. He heard her giggle and shuffle some papers around before passing him a note. Haven looked down at it. The note said nothing all it had on the paper was a hand giving thumbs up with a ring. Haven was confused for a moment before Karen leaned in again and whispered the number again.

  “Forty two,” It all clicked then and Haven burst into laughter. The teacher spun around.

  “Mister Moore, do you mind telling me what’s so funny?”

  “Forty two,” Haven answered. Karen joined into the laughter this time.

  “And what’s so funny about forty two?”

  “Forty two,” Haven responded again this time other students were catching on and stifled their own laughter.

  Long story short Haven was sent to the principal’s office for disrupting class. He sat outside of the principal’s while his parents talked to her. Haven could hear some heated words like, “He’s not that kind of kid.” and, “Up yours.” Most of the insults were in his mother’s voice, she always had a problem with authority; Haven laid his head back against the wall only to jump when the principal’s office door swung open and his parents walked out.

  “We’re leaving now Sweetie, let’s go.” His mother said calmly. Haven jumped up and followed his parents to the car. Nobody said anything for the entire ride home. Haven stared out the window watching as the world passed by in the colorful blur. He was nervous for what his parents had to say. It wasn’t his fault the answer was forty two, but he’d still be scolded once they got home.

  They pulled up to the Moore house Haven glanced up when he caught sight of his curtains blowing in the wind. He could have sworn he’d closed the window before he went to school.

  “Here we are kiddo.” His father spoke up and Haven quickly got out. His parents still had work, so the car pulled out of the drive way again and sped down the street. Haven watched as they turned the corner before he headed up the front porch steps as he fished out his keys from his jacket’s pocket.

  Stepping inside the quiet house wondering if he’d been suspended or demoted, he doubted he’d be expelled or anything bad like that but he still worried he’d be put in Beta classes, or worse the Omegas. Haven’s parents wouldn’t stand for it and he’d never hear the end of it with Karen.

  Haven grabbed a soda from the fridge and headed yup to his room. Looking around there was no sign of Fido. Usually he’s in the living room or in the kitchen when Haven gets home though that might be because his mother lets him in when she gets home. Haven looked out the kitchen window finding no sign of Fido.

 With a sigh Haven headed up to his room. He pushed open the door and tossed his bag over by his desk which was usually covered in papers from school but was now actually clean. Haven stares at it for a moment wondering if his mother had come in to clean up. He turned to go shut his window as he took a drink of his root beer, only to nearly choke on it.

Grimm Fantasies: Little Red [FIRST DRAFT]Where stories live. Discover now