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  Haven was with the pack for three days and was learning a lot about herbs and the way of pack life. Haven was having a particularly hard time distinguishing which berries were safe to eat and which ones weren’t. River told him it was nothing to worry about since he didn’t have heightened senses.

  On the third day River was going over how to crush up the herbs to make a salve to put on cuts to mask the scent of blood, and it could be used to stop the bleeding faster as well when a young boy about Haven’s age was carried into the Healer’s home.

  Beta Zaid laid him down on one of the beds as Charity rushed to his aid. The boy was bleeding badly and he was pretty pale, from where Haven was standing he didn’t look like he was breathing.

  The boy’s black hair was matted and clinging to his face which was covered in blood and dirt. Haven watched in horror waiting for Charity to say she couldn’t do anything for him. River shifted and moved to pull Haven out of the room but stopped and let Haven go when Charity motioned for him to join her. He quickly stepped over next to her and started working on the boy.

  The boy took in a shallow and shaky breath and in response Haven let go of the one he hadn’t realized he’d been holding. The boy looked small and fragile with all the blood slowly drying on him and with the three adult hovering over his tiny figure he looked helpless even though they were there helping him.

  Haven was happy the boy wasn’t dead; he didn’t want to stand next to another grave of someone he barely knew. Haven remembers standing next to Karen as she cried clinging to his hand tightly and muttering about a haven.

  “What happened?” Charity asked as she examined the boy while River cleaned off his face a bit and brushed the boy’s dirty hair from his face. As the dirt and blood was wiped from his skin Haven could see the boy’s darkly tanned skin marked with scratches that were already scabbing over.

  “We found him in the woods while patrolling we don’t know where he came from. With the recent rains all the scent trails are faint and sometimes really messed up. We think he might have come from Electric Rain.” Beta Zaid explained. Haven had met Beta Zaid on the second day. Beta Zaid came in completely bruised up and bleeding. Haven was surprised a day later to see Beta Zaid completely healed up and walking around fine, when yesterday his mate Beta Raph had to carry most of his weight as they came in. Charity nodded and ripped off the kid’s shirt to get a better look at the large gashes running across his chest.

  “These aren’t claw marks.” Charity said.

  “This is a lot of blood is he even going to survive the night?” River questioned and his mother flicked him on the nose.

  “Shame on you River, don’t lose faith just because the outlook is bleak.” Haven figured her words were supposed to be some kind of Zen thing but he didn’t get it. It sounded more like an insult to the boy then a lecture for River.

  “It doesn’t smell like another wolf attacked him.” Beta Zaid said as he glanced over to Haven and giving him a look as if he blamed Haven for the boy’s injuries, Haven frowned at him but said nothing.

  “There aren’t any signs of silver.” River added, “So he isn’t Rouge. Besides he’s t young to be tossed out like that.” Charity nodded in agreement then looked at Beta Zaid.

  “Will take care of this, I’ll send River when he wakes.” Haven had gravitated closer. Closer up the boy looked older than he had at first glance. His features were soft and calm despite the condition of his body.

  Beta Zaid nodded to Charity and left the room as River and his mother set to work cleaning and dressing the wounds. Haven was standing by River by now watching quietly.

Grimm Fantasies: Little Red [FIRST DRAFT]Where stories live. Discover now