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OMG after three chapters Haven’s POV returns! I hope this makes you laugh, or at least feel a bit sympathetic.

(Edit: In the original file this chapter is called Changling...I don't know why it's different here. It confused me. I might have changed the chapter to Changling after I uploaded this chapter, but the only reason I can think to why is because there is a chapter later on called Black... But that's it)


  The Light Court was white.

  The inhabitants wore white, and their skin was white.

  Everything was white like a blank canvas, there could be so much going on but there just isn’t.

  There was so much white Haven sometimes got a head ache. The only relief he ever got from it was when it was time to go to bed and the lights would dim down. Haven remembers something about heaven supposed to be white; he thinks maybe it’d be hell if that were the case.

  There was too much white and he stuck out like a sore thumb. The Light Queen had him where red; to show he was the ‘Little Red Riding Hood’ they’d been searching for. It was to keep the horny bastards away from him.

  Because they’d tried,

  The first day Haven was there he’d almost been raped twice!

  The Queen now keeps a close eye on him, though he still has complete and total free roam of the Court. He could go anywhere he damn well pleases.

  Except into the Queen’s Quarters and actually leave.

  Not that Haven has found a door that remotely looked like it was going to lead anywhere other than to more of this white hell Haven’s found himself in.

  The room he’s been given to stay in is huge and he gets all sorts of foods to eat. The Queen had explained to him that they won’t give him anything that will take his free will away. After that simple comment Haven’s even reluctant to eat anything, even if it does come in a fast food joint bag.

  Haven is sitting in the throne room next to the queen because he’s being treated like some kind of prince. He’s watching the ‘noble’ fairies converse about random things today they’re discussing the weather.

  The fucking weather!

  What weather were they talking about?!

  Haven hasn’t seen the light of day in…How many days has it been?

  Haven’s lost track of time here. Even with the day and night cycle’s time just ceases to exist. A shiver of horror runs up Haven’s spine.

  The queen was watching the nobles as well with that creepy blank expression of hers. Every so often she’d tilt her head as if pondering the vastness of the universe. Haven was pretty sure every single fairy was just nuts, like senile old people.


  They were older than dirt maybe they were nuts.

  Great, Haven was being held captive by crazy old people with very powerful magic.

  Haven narrowed his eyes as one noble who was dressed in lavish WHITE robes went on about an approaching storm in a place called the Bright Forest,

  Hell if Haven knew where that was. For all he knew they could be talking about something completely different, their accents were so hard to understand some time.

  “Red.” The queen spoke then. Haven didn’t even look at her when he replied with.

  “Haven,” He corrected her. She paid no attention to the correction; it’s how they usually start their conversations.

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