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  Haven watched the dog from his bedroom window it kept shifting around restlessly keeping his eyes trained on the forest as if he was sure something was going to attack him at any point. The sun was sinking below the horizon and the dog was getting more and more restless as it began to pace the yard growling at anything that moved.

  Haven watched him for a long time before getting fed up with it and walking down stairs. His parents were in the den watching some show that’s been on for years and they haven’t missed a single episode since its air date. Haven slipped past the cracked door and headed into the kitchen. He dug through the drawers for a little bit before finding what he was looking for and stepped outside.

  The dog spun around to look at him letting out a warning growl. Haven frowned, “What did I tell you about growling?” He questioned as he stepped down from the porch. The dog stared at him completely ready to attack if Haven so much as moved wrong. Haven ignored him and walked over to the shed.

  Unlocking it he opened one of the doors, swinging it open and placing a large rock in front of it to keep it open. Haven glanced at the dog, that’d crept closer, and smiled as reassuringly as possible. He ducked into the shed and found the wool blankets and started to make a nest he hoped would be big enough for the dog.

  Once finished he was pretty happy with it, he’d found a few blankets and made it large enough to fit three dogs his size. Haven stepped out of the shed and looked toward the dog who was watching him though it was clear a lot of his attention was on the forest. Haven glanced around stepping over to the edge of the yard. The dog started to growl defensively then whimpered helplessly making Haven look over to him with a frown.

  “There’s nothing out there.” He promised though the dog could probably tell better than he could if there as danger out there in the darkness. Haven stepped away from the edge and the dog went quiet. He looked over to the shed and back to Haven.

  Was he trying to distract him from the forest?

  Whatever it worked, Haven walked back over to the shed. “Look you can use this place to sleep it’s not much but its cozy and if it rains you won’t get wet.” The dog actually got close enough to Haven that he could reach out and touch the dog if he wanted. But no he wasn’t going to chance getting bit.

  “Alright, so those arrows are really starting to worry me.” He said the dog growled but didn’t move away. Haven decided not to chance it. “Whatever.” Haven said simply and turned to walk back inside, only glancing back once he was on the porch to see the dog lying down in the nest, making himself comfortable. Haven smiled at that and slipped back inside.

  Haven woke up in a sweaty heap again breathing heavily and feeling exhausted but wide awake at the same time. He stared up at the ceiling, or more so glaring then staring as the blood pounded through his ears. He waited quietly for his alarm to start his music or for his sister to walk in to let him know breakfast is done.

  Stupid running dreams, two nights in a row that couldn’t be normal, it just couldn’t.

  Haven reached over and grabbed his phone, two in the morning. Great, he had to figure out how to go back to bed with a load of adrenaline pumping through him. Sighing Haven got up and took a shower, because gross sweat.

  When he got out he checked his window the dog was nowhere in sight and the shed was dark. Haven sighed sleepily and headed down stairs and into the kitchen. The house was dark the only light on was the porch light. Haven was digging though the fridge when the motion lights in the back yard kicked on.

  Haven straightened up quickly and peered out the kitchen window. The dog was walking into the forest and Haven caught his ass end vanishing into the thick underbrush. Haven frowned and waited for the light to go out before resuming his search for something quick to eat. Well it didn’t seem to have lasted very long.

Grimm Fantasies: Little Red [FIRST DRAFT]Where stories live. Discover now