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So I know I posted nothing yesterday so here's an update that will hopefully leave you wanting more of Haven and Hunter's little adventure. (Edit: This had got to be a personal favorite of mine.)


  Hunter watched Haven make breakfast. Both his parents were off on some business trip, in truth Haven’s father was on a business trip and his mother had told them she was going to the next city over to help at a shelter. Hunter knew better, she was off with her lover; nobody gets that excited about helping sick animals. Karen had spent the night at her friend’s house leaving Haven alone for the weekend.

  Sitting at the table in Haven’s father’s clothes, which fit Hunter better than Haven’s was a new experience for Hunter. For about half a year he’s laid on the floor by Haven while the family ate begrudgingly eating dog kibble.

  It was an embarrassment Haven laughed for about half an hour straight when it came up in conversation. Hunter couldn’t find it in him to be mad; it’d been the first time Haven laughed since finding out ‘Fido’ was a Werewolf with a price on his head.

  “Here.” Haven set a plate down in front of Hunter and sat down across from him. “So I’ll keep your promise under a few conditions.” He added. They hadn’t much time to talk over the past week.

  Haven is popular kid.

  It was the first time they could actually sit down and talk about some more important issues, such as Haven saying nothing about the Werewolf living with them.

  “Okay.” Hunter agreed.

  “You stay in wolf…dog form at all times when others are around; you stop being mean to Eli, he’s too afraid of you to come over anymore.”

  “That’s his problem.” Hunter argued even though he knew fully well he growled at Eli on purpose. He didn’t like Eli hanging on Haven all the time. Hunter wasn’t going to pretend he wasn’t bothered by it. Haven rolled his eyes at Hunter’s comment.

  “That kind of attitude isn’t going to fly around here Buddy.” He said.



  “My name is Hunter, not Fido or Buddy.” Hunter told him definitely.

  “Yea well my name isn’t kid.” Haven countered.

  “I’ve never called you that.” Hunter argued looking over to Haven with a challenging glare. Haven shifted and leaned forward.

  “Then it’s settled, you’ll call me Haven and I’ll call you Hunter.”

  “Why are you called that?” Hunter asked, so far everyone called Haven by that name except when his mother is mad at him.

  “Because,” He shrugged and looked away. Hunter guessed it was a touchy subject and dropped it. They sat in that comfortable silence that seemed to come naturally with them. It was a little weird how comfortable Hunter was around Haven. He felt more relaxed than he’s ever been, Hunter’s narrowed it down to either Haven was his mate or witchcraft.

  Hunter ate quietly while Haven busied himself with his phone. Hunter watched him; he kept biting his bottom lip and shifting in his chair. At one point he stretched and his shirt rode up, a blackish brown mark just below Haven’s rib cage caught Hunter’s attention. Hunter stood up quickly and pushed Haven’s shirt up farther. The yelp of surprise bought Hunter back to himself. Hunter pulled away, “Sorry.” He said quickly. Haven’s heart was beat far faster than it had moments ago.

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