1 - banishment

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authors note: michael is spelt wrong throughout this entire story lol go with it.

"what do you mean we are banished? banished to where?" micheal exclaims.

"you have broken a law, therefore both of you are to be sent to earth." the king, ashtons father, says sternly.

"many citizens of this kingdom have broken laws father," ashton says, trying to keep his mood up, "they havent been banished."

"oh but they have, you just dont notice because they earn their way back," the queen explains softly, "ash i dont want to do this but rules are rules."

both ashton and micheal roll their eyes, then ashton says with evident anger in his voice, "banish us mother. I dont give a fuck, just dont count on me coming back."

both the royals eyes widen, the king then exclaims, "ashton, i have raised you differently! first you and micheal interact in homosexual behavor and now you are cursing. at this rate you arent coming back."

"you raised me with pure thoughts of love and happiness. so what if i might have feelings for a male, it was one kiss. i dont even have anything but platonic feelings for micheal, i was just curious," ashton explains.

"whats done is done, son. now you are banished to earth, where you must find your way. usually i would give nothing to the other citizens but you are my son, and i shall give you and your friend and unlimited amount of whatever earthly money you need."

"whatever father, thank you for not being completly heartless." ashton sighs and grabs micheals hand, "now banish us before i curse some more."

the king sighs, "i, king irwin, here-by banish ashton irwin and micheal clifford to earth. where they must learn their lesson and send a proof that they have learned their lesson before they may return."

he snaps his fingers muttering a "goodbye son."

that's gay // Lashton; Malum ✔️Where stories live. Discover now