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Three months later the four boys are still in their relationships; as happy as can be. The honeymoon stage as many call it. They still work at lets get homo, helping many young adults figure out who they really are.

Six months later micheal and calum are looking for small apartments in town, finding that their small apartment all the four love in right now is not big enough for the boys.

Nine months later, after many arguments, micheal and calum are nicely moved into an apartment only four blocks away from lets get homo and seven blocks away from luke and ashton.

Ten months hits a fought point for luke and ashton, when ashton is sent a letter from gentopia explaining that his father had died.

Even after all the shit his father had put ashton through ashton was still sad, unable to go check on his family, who had forgotten completely about his existence.

Twelve months is when ashton gets completely happy again. One year of luke and ashton being together and luke pops the question at their dinner. Earning a yes from ashton and leading to some hot sex afterwards.

Seventeen months is when micheal asks calum to marry him. Micheal had asked the question rather.... Oddly.

Michael and calum had gotten into an argument, about how they hadent settled down alot after over a year and a half of dating causing crying from Calum and micheal getting down on one knee saying, "I was waiting for the right time but you fucking pushed me to ask right here. So you better fucking marry me, you bitch."

More tears from Calum and a yes, an apology from both of them and, of course, make-up sex.

Twenty months after luke and ashton had gotten together, they got married. It was a small wedding with lukes family, calums family, and a few friends they had met. Though small, it was the best wedding luke and ashton could have asked for.

Two years after micheal had asked calum to marry him is when they actually got married. They decided to wait until.they were more mature and stable.
Their wedding was bigger, literally inviting everyone they knew and having a huge afterparty.

A year after that  luke and ashton adopt a little girl by the name of jazzy. She was 6 years old and more outgoing that luke and ashton combined.

around that time is when lets get homo really started taking off, creating two other stores, one in new york city and one in Nashville tennessee.

Michael, calum, luke, and ashton are now the creator's of one of the biggest LGBTQ+ industries. Visiting schools and hosting pride events, the four boys live successfully. With their kids and a few animals.

the end

Authors note:

Thanks for reading this story. It's really not that good, but it's not too bad ig.

Anyways if you liked this story try reading some of my others.


that's gay // Lashton; Malum ✔️Where stories live. Discover now