16 - of course

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"do you think calum and mikey are doing okay?" ashton mumbles to luke as they prepair the shop for their opening at 11.

"i dont know ash," luke replys, "i'm sure they are doing great though, calum has it all planned out, it can't to wrong."

ashton nods, and he continues to fix the clothes; putting them back on the hangers and into the correct place.

luke is making some simple cupcakes and cookies, leaving ashton to sing loudly with whatever song luke has playing on the speaker.

[just wanted to explain what everything was currently like with lashton, aka boring and awkward Kay. Back to Malum I'm trash]

"this is amazing calum. how did you even-- was it expensive? i swear to god calum if it was expensive i will kick you into next week." micheal rambles stroking a shrek ice sculpture.

calum laughs at the adorable sight in front of him. calum found out about the disney ice sculpture museam about a month ago. the rooms that they are in are kept at below zero temperatures and they were given a huge blue jacket when they walked in.

"it was nothing micheal, this is a date, we are here to have fun and throw money out of the window."

micheal rolls his eyes and grabs calums hands, leading him farther into the ice museum.

they spent two hours in the ice museum, another two hours skating in the same area. another hour eating to their heart's content at mc donalds.

"not the most romantic place for lunch but i figured we should save all the romance for later." calum and explained to micheal as they both munched on their fries.

after mc donalds they went walked on a trail at a park about twenty minutes away from their house, it was "casually romantic" as micheal called it when he grabbed calums hand and kissed him quickly on the cheek.

they stopped by a fountain in the same park, throwing pennies into it wishing for this moment to last forever; neither of them spoke of their wishes out loud but they somehow both knew that they had wished the same thing.

their next stop was a thrift shop, then the ice cream place where they first met, after that a big field where they are their ice cream, played eye spy, And ran around chasing each other.

micheal and calum kissed each other. it was a cheesy playing tag, fall's, land's on the other person.

micheal had confessed to calum after that, as they were heading to the car, that he had never felt more happy in his life.

calum replied with a simple kiss that said more than any word that could have come out of his mouth would.

dinner was next, calum never told him what he had prepared for dinner, and it left micheal with a sarcastic, annoyed groan followed by the cutest of giggles.

they make their way to where they are set to eat. calum, being the secret sap he is, forces a blindfold onto micheal.

calum leads micheal to an elevator, up three small steps of stairs, and into the chair with no incidents, surprisingly.

calum allows the blindfold to fall off and he grins as micheal looks around at the restaurant.

cliffs edge is it's name and it is the most beautiful place he had ever seen. candles littered everywhere, a tree spralled in the middle of the room. the table is set so perfectly the queen of england herself would be astonished.

micheal is smiling so wide at calum he feels as if his lips are going to slid right off of his head.

"i can't beleive this place. it's amazing, calum. i absolutely love it." micheal says, looking down at the menu.

calum continuea to grin when he says cheekily, "only the best for you."

micheal rolls his eyes, and blushes only a small bit. his hair radiates love and micheal sips some wine, that was only brought to the table minutes before.

the night was amazing, calum didn't stop laughing the entire time. micheal was non-stop smiley as they left the fancy restaurant.

they walked out of the restaurant hand in hand, they walked to the car hand in hand, calum drive home holding micheals hand on the center consul. when they got home calum opened micheals door, instantly holding his hand once again.

calum and micheal walk into the house, sitting on the couch, they were silent.

"will you be my boyfriend micheal?" calum questions turning to look a micheals beautiful face with place skin that matches his green eyes and gorgeous lilac hair.

micheal doesnt say anything, but calum know that he is only thinking, prossessing, what calum asked.

"of course cal." micheal whispers kissing calum, his boyfriend, on the lips, his smile bigger than ever.

that's gay // Lashton; Malum ✔️Where stories live. Discover now