8 - im fine

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"i didn't know you could sing, luke." ashton says smirking leaning on the door frame of lukes room.

luke blushes and replies with a simple, and awkward, "well now you do."

ever since the opening of the shop, and the small kiss on the cheek, luke and ashton have been awkward. calum and michael; however, have been closer than ever. there isn't a minute where they weren't holding hands, cuddling on the couch, they always touch each other.

ashton is jealous, he wants cuddles and contact, he wants something. luke won't even talk to him without getting awkward and ashton doesnt know why.

so ashton is going to question it. today.

"so are you okay?" ashton asks walking further into lukes room, "i mean you have been rather distant the last few days."

luke looks down muttering an "im fine."

ashton rolls his eyes, "what is going on? we haven't had a decent conversation in five days, luke i miss you."

"yeah well there is nothing to miss, because i am fine."

then luke leaves, he leaves ashton in the room, a really mad ashton in the room.

ashton follows luke into the living room saying, well more like ranting, he doesnt process what he is saying he just says.

"what the hell did I ever do to you? why are you being all weird and awkward? all I want is to talk! you won't even look at me, luke. just tell me what i did, or what i can do to fix it. tell me something!" ashton tells, red burns appearing on his arms.

luke rolls his eyes with a frown, calum and michael are on the couch looking at the two with wide eyes.

"nothing is wrong ashton," luke says slowly raising his voice throughout the sentence, showing his frustration, "nothing is wrong can't you go annoy someone else! just leave. me. alone."

"fine whatever, i will just leave since I annoy you so much, asshole." ashton says with gritted teeth, walking out of the house without another word.

"what the hell was that?" michael questions luke, then going to follow his best friend out of the house.

short and dramatic.
probably a bit
too dramatic
but idc
- em

also i still love yall

that's gay // Lashton; Malum ✔️Where stories live. Discover now