6 - food

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I dont have a plan
for this chapter
so it's probably
going to be shit.
- em

michael and ashton are sitting in the guest room of luke and calums house. luke and calum had went to work later on in the day, only for a couple of hours.

ashton and michael were talking about third day, then how they enjoyed mexican food. after an awkward silence, michael clears his throat and says, "are we ever going to go back?"

ashton sighs, he isn't so sure if he wants to go back home after today, he has unlimited money, he has two people who he would like to consider his friends, and he doesnt have his parents. who had treated him and michael like termites the last few day of living in gentopia.

"i dont know," he says, "what Do we have to go back too? eternal parental judgement?"

michael shrugs and his hair turns blue, clearly indicating his sad mood.

"but what do we have here ash?" michael says, "we know nothing about this place, it's not like we could get a job, or a place to stay, or anything. we are just as much an outcast here as we would be there."

"think on the bright side michael, we have friends and money and we can figure it out. we just have to learn." ashton replys.

"i guess you are right, maybe we can open a shop? with our unlimited money? it could be fun." michael acknowledged, "you know, just in case your father decided to cut off out money."

"we can talk to luke and calum about it." ashton says, "speaking of calum..."

"ashton," michael warns.

"come on! it's painfully obvious you like him. your hair turns purple, you look at him as if he just gave you a brand new unicorn."

"What about you a luke?" michael mocks, "you blush at everything he says, you constantly eye rape him."

"michael!" ashton squeals with a blush, "i do not!"

michael smirks with a knowing look, then turns to the t.v. which he finally learned to use.

by the time luke and calum came home it was ten o'clock and michael and ashton were passed out on the couch snoring. causing luke to giggle and snap a picture.

luke and calum like having the boys around. they have to teach them almost everything. ashton and michael are fun to hang around, they have funny jokes and an odd taste in food.

luke obviously thinks ashton is cute, he has a cute giggle and curly hair that he wants to run his hands through. he also knows ashton likes him. the fact that he blushes at everything luke says and will agree with luke no matter what. they can't become a thing, ashton is too innocent; far from lukes dirty mind and anger issues.

calum and michael like each other as well, michael and calum are similar in many ways, funny and obnoxiously adorable. they like the same music, for michael has found to absolutely adore calums taste, same clothing choices. they would be absolutely perfect for each other.

the only thing being they are both to stubborn to admit the liking they have taken for each other.

they fall asleep and wake up in what feels like no time at all. michael and ashton wake first. and they decide to be nice and make the other two guys breakfast.

though gentopia has odd foods, they still had the simple things that they also had on earth (eggs, flour, cheese, ect.) and ashton considers himself quite a chef.

to say the other boys were surprised when they woke up was an understatement. luke had not expected a breakfast feast, nor had calum. they were very excited for the food though, all the food being different forms of waffles, pancakes, eggs, any breakfast food one could think of.

"where did all of this come from?" luke questions, mid- yawn.

"ashton made it." michael informs him while stuffing his face with a pancake wrapped sasage.

"you should do this more often." calum says sitting down next to michael and enjoying the food.

ashton clears his throat and says, "speaking of more often, i- well we, as in michael and i, uh we wanted to know of you could help us open a shop? we feel guilty, just sitting here wasting your space, and we can buy our own place if you'd like or-"

"ash you are rambling," luke says, "we would love to help you guys. it doesn't have to be this minute, i feel as if you both should get used to, well earth."

calum chuckles and nods in agreement, "and you can stay here as long as you'd like. if it would make you feel less guilty you guys can pay rent."

ashton nods quickly, and looks michael who says, "thank you guys, i mean we might end up staying here, like earth, for a while. we really appreciate your help."

"and we appreciate your company." luke says smiling at ashton.

"and food." calum adds.

that's gay // Lashton; Malum ✔️Where stories live. Discover now