7 - lets get homo

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time goes my quickly when you are having fun. three months of learning and laughter have quickly passed. all of the boys got really close, they all connected and bonded. leading to today.

lets set the scene for this very important beginning of the boys future, michael and ashton are standing infront of a small brick building in the middle of a small town. the weather is perfect for the occasion, it is the middle of the afternoon and the sun is in the middle of the cloudless sky.

ashton is nervous, he gets a text from luke saying that he is approching the store. michael gets the text as well and he pulls the blindfold out of his pocket, handing one to ashton.

the other two boys round the corner where ashton and michael meet them, quickly wrapping the blind folds around their eyes.

calum squeals and luke giggles as michael and ashton lead them to their new store. pushing the door open and going straight into the room that took oh so many sleepless nights to establish.

"can we take them off yet?" calum questions with obvious excitement in his voice.



"what?" michael questions with a laugh.

"uh yes, i mean yes." ashton stutters and grabs lukes hand then taking his blindfold off with his other hand.

luke and calum gasp with wide eyes at the bright colored store. rows of lgbt flags cover the walls.

luke and calum smile at the store the two boys created, and look at them for an explaination.

"uh, well I mean we are all part of the lgbt community. you know im gay, luke is gay, calum is bi, michael is pan, and we have met some truly amazing people involved in the community." ashton explains with a blush, "and well I know there are many people who dont approve or accept this community, and i- we, thought we could create this. half of the store is a hang out for people who dont live in a very accepting household, and the other half is clothing, flags, basically any object that can be gay-afied."

"but wait there's more," michael adds with a smirk, "we support everyone here; we got help from the local gay-straight alliance and noh8 who both supported our cause and is spreading word of our shop."

"we are basically going to be super busy, so we will need all the help we can get." ashton says with a wide smile, he is still holding lukes hand.

calum cheers and hugs ashton, then michael, telling them how proud he is. then he walks around the store saying they should do little support clubs once a week.

michael and calum walk off and start talking about the store leaving luke and ashton.

"im so so proud of you both. this is literally amazing. i wish i had one of these when I was growing up. can i help you? like maybe i-i can quit my job and just work here."

ashton nods hesitantly, "take a some time to think about it luke, i would agree with what ever you do. i can't wait until this open a next week, there will be people i can help, i can change someone's life."

"you are the most beautiful person ever. you have the most beautiful soul, beautiful eyes, and your hair. and you are absolutely beautiful." luke tells ashton with a small smile.

ashton blushes deeply and asks, "why are you telling me this?"

luke shrugs, "this is a big part in your life, this means you are settling down here, on earth, in this town, with me and calum. i could not be any happier knowing that you are going to stay for a while."

ashton smiles and hugs luke tightly, giving luke a kiss on cheek, making like blush.

it was only a kiss on the cheek but for them it was one step closer in thier relationship.

this was honestly too cheesy
for my taste, but i tried.
it took maybe twenty minutes
only to think of the
store i wanted them to create.
i made this with the thought that if I were ever able to open a shop. I would open this.
- em

ps dont forget for vote or comment or like or share or whatever ily

that's gay // Lashton; Malum ✔️Where stories live. Discover now