17 - i missed you

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ashton had felt weird, he had a headache, his body was tingly, and he had felt like he was going to throw up.

"ash?" luke calls walking into the kitchen where ashton was lying on the floor in a ball. tears were brimming his eyes.

"holy shit, ash are you okay?" luke says, he sits in front of ashton looking at him with concerned eyes.

"yeah," ashton croaks, "i- im fine."

"god ash you aren't okay," luke mutters standing up saying, "i am going to get everyone out of the shop okay? it's almost closing anyways and you can go take a nap on the couch."

ashton nods weakly and falls asleep only minutes later.


ashton was back in the kingdom, on his knees with chain's wrapped around his wrist and ankles.

ashton attempts to stand up, only to fall back down onto his knees when his father walked into the room.

his father is talking, causing ashton to sob, not listening to the father that had kicked him out of his own kingdom.

"son, sit up and stop crying. we have to talk." he says stiffly.

"i dont want to talk to you." ashton replys, keeping his anger at bay.

"you need to come back ashton. you arent meant to stay there."

"no father, i am not coming back to you. i have no reason to be here." ashton says.

"you are to come back." the king says, "i am dying ashton, someone needs to be king and it sure as hell isn't going to be harry. ashton i need you, the kingdom needs you."

"if you expect me to feel sorry for you and the kingdom then you are up for a surprise, king irwin." ashton tells his father.

"i am your father, this is what you are made for ashton."

"you arent my father, king. you havn't been a father since the day i was born. no real father would have kicked his son out of his home, no father would have done what you have done with me." ashton says tears coming to his eyes, "get me out of here and back to earth. where i am loved and cared for. where i am not judges for who i love. where i am happy."

"dont speak to me like that ashton. since you will not come back you will not have ever even existed here. no one in this kingdom will remember you, ashton. your siblings won't remember you. you will have no more unlimited money to spend and you won't have your powers. you will regret not coming back to this kingdom, ashton. and i will make sure of it."

"get me back to earth. where people love me for who i am, tell my siblings i love them." ashton says, years falling from his eyes, "but i have three words for you father."

"go to hell."


ashton wakes up with a bolt, broken sobs and curse words running out of his mouth.

luke sits up from across of him imiedantly, he is in his own bed at their house. luke is calling for micheal and calum when he sees ashton awake.

luke hugs ashton, muttering an "i'm so glad you are awake."

calum and micheal run in, concerned as they try to calm ashton down.

it takes around ten minutes for him to calm down, micheal asking what happened and like asking if he is okay.

ashton clears his throat before saying, "i uh, it was a clear vision."

micheal nods, "i knew it was, i got one when i was like sixteen. they are awful, are you okay? what did you see?"

"dad," ashton says, his voice cracking, "uh he wanted me to go back and he uh he's dying."

"you arent though." luke says quickly, "you are staying here with us."

ashton nods smiling a little, "dont worry, luke. i would not leave you, any of you."

luke smiles as well, and micheal questions, "so whats the big deal?"

ashton closes his eyes, and takes a deep breath replying with, "no one there knows i exsist. the king made sure of that. and he took my abilites and the money."

my family wont know I exsist, i am so human and I should be happy about it and i dont know why I'm so upset." ashton says cuddling into luke, who hasn't stopped hugging him.

"why do i still have my hair?" micheal mutters, "i dont understand."

"he never said anything about you. i am the only one affected, the only disappointment."

"you arent a disappointment, ash." luke whispers into ashtons ear, causing shivers to go down ashtons spine.

ashton blushes and clears his throat turning to micheal, who is leaning on calums shoulder, "so i take it your date last night went well?"

"well technically the date was like two days ago." calum says, "but we are dating."

a wide smile spreads across ashtons face, "congratulations."

"well i assume you are hungry, so calum and i will go get you something to eat." micheal says quickly walking out of the room followed my calum.

when ashton turns back towards luke he sees lukes face moving closer his own and he feels his heart racing.

when lukes nose is touching ashtons, luke mutters an "i missed you so much. you scared me, never do that again." just before he gently places his lips on ashtons.

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