12 - life story

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"alright so, to me, this was a very big thing in my life. many have told me i was over reacting about the situation, but if i learned one thing about this whole deal it is that everyone reacts differently in the situation they are placed with."

luke stops and looks at ashton, who gives luke a gental bid, before he continues his, basically life story.

oo with a sigh, and a gulp, he continues, "i met a guy my sophmore year in high school. he is basically the person who helped me discover and accept my sexuality. i fell in love with him; and even as my tiny 15 year old self, i just knew we were going to be together forever."

another pause, another nod from ashton, and another bite of cake.

"his name was weston. i had always called him wessy; he said he liked it. but he also said he liked me." luke stops to catch his breath and wipe his sweaty hands on his pants, "we were happy for almost a year, a long time. the next year, junior year, weston had become more agressive in pretty much every way possible. he had possession over me, he had pushed me away from my friends and family. i had spent every waking moment with weston. but i didn't comment on his mood change. i loved him, i would have died for him.

"i think around the middle of the year he pressured me to going to a party, and my drink got drugged i guess, i remeber nothing from that night. but i some up completely naked next to weston, i was in so much pain I could barely move. it wasn't hard to put the pieces together."

more cake, another nod, this time ashton grabs lukes hand with a small smile.

"i had called calum," luke says, "i told him to pick me up, that i would explain once he got there. i did explain and he took me to the police station, we called my parents along the way to explain."

"weston was only in jail for six months. that was only for the emotional abuse and possession of drugs. we didnt have enough proof that he had raped me. calum and i moved schools together, to a private school farther away. i was a mess that entire year, sent to the hospital at least twice for attempts of suicide, they have had me on multiple different medications; upping the dose, doing anything they could to make me happy. my parents spent so much money on therapy.

"After that year of high school calum and i got our own apartment and moved for a new start. i started to truly get happy. you came and i started getting even happier. last week i stopped the medication, i thought i was well enough to stop."

a small pathetic laugh comes out of lukes mouth as he continues with, "obviously i wasn't or we wouldn't be in this situation. but, ashton, i really like you and after weston i had told myself to not fall in love with anyone else. that's why i freaked over that small kiss on the cheek and every time i look at you i think no luke, think of weston. we can't have that happen again. i am so sorry, ashton. i made you upset and the image of a single tear coming out of your eyes breaks my heart, i should have just said something."

"luke please stop crying." ashton says, bringing his free hand up to likes cheek to door his tear, "i dont understand what you have been through, but all i know is that i will never hurt you like he did. the fact that you wanted to die because of him makes me want to commit murder. im not going to call you strong and romanticize your depression. but i am going to say, as i said before you told me everything, i am here for you luke, and no matter what i will always be here. you may even get annoyed at some point. do you want to know why i will stay? "

ashton stops, grabs both of lukes hands tightly and says;

"because, luke, i love you. i could even be in love with you."

This is the most cheesy
thing i have written
in my life
- em

that's gay // Lashton; Malum ✔️Where stories live. Discover now