15 - guy like you

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calum walks into lets get homo, their shop, and searches for micheal while singing along to gives you hell by all american rejects which is on the speaker.

calum glances at all of the teenagers and young adults roaming around or relaxing in the back room. some of the people are enjoying small snacks and there are a group of kids by the music box, picking the next song.

calum notices micheal by the register talking to a guy, that looks like the stereotypical emo, not that he is judging; he is simply observing. micheal hands the guy his changand a receipt as calum decides to stand in line behind the boy.

micheal, without looking up to notice the fact that calum is standing there, says, "may i help you?"

"yeah, i was wondering how much it would take to get a guy like you to go on that date tomorrow?" calum says with a small smirk.

micheal finally looks up and smiles at calum, replying with a flirty, "for you it takes nothing."

"good. dont forget to wear that shirt tomorrow." calum says, "luke can probably work tomorrow so ash isn't alone. and of you didn't catch on the date is tomorrow."

"can't wait cal," michael says looking back down at the desk, organizing it.

"do you need any help or anything?"

"actually," micheal says, "you can take the baked goods ashton has prepared and place them over there."


"do i look good ash?" micheal says shakily, he was more than nervous. the other date with calum was more casual, this date, however, is more than casual. he is wearing the nice shirt from the thrift shop, a pair of his nicer jeans, and a pair of floral vans that ashton let him borrow.

calum has not told michael where they are going, but apparently ashton and luke know, causing smirks towards micheal every chance they get.

the date is an all day occasion, calum will "pick micheal up", or in other words, knock on micheals door and romantically lead micheal to his car, at ten in the morning. only minutes after luke and ashton leave to the shop.

"you look very attractive, micheal." ashton mutters sliding his own shirt on, with a noticable wince, ignored my micheal.

micheal combs through his hair dorbthe third time, which is purple and has been purple for a good while.

ash turns to micheal and smiles, patting his shoulder and heading towards the door, saying, "i gotta head to work, i will see you later tonight."

micheal nods and gulps, muttering a small, and nervous, "okay."

"everything will be fine mikey, good luck." ashton says quickly walking out of the door and runs after luke.

oh god,micheal thinks to himself, oh god, im going to screw up, calum will hate me, and i will be forever alone with video games and gay candy.

and then micheal hears a knock, "i uh," micheal says, "im coming hold on."

after combing his hair again he walks to the door only to see the most beautiful creature he had ever laid eyes on.


that's gay // Lashton; Malum ✔️Where stories live. Discover now