20 - jenga

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micheal and calum are in their own bedroom, they are giggling and laughing about their own stupid thoughts, ignoring the sadness comeing from the room next to them.

"alright, so we move to an appartment, not far from the shop. we adopt a dog named pee-pie, and we get married. continue life with pee-pie and adopt a little girl with my brown hair and your big green eyes. we then move to a bigger house a little farther away from town, near a good school." calum says smiling, kissing micheals nose, "then we live happily ever after."

micheal blushes, "i want a kitten too, we can name her jenga. i know you love that game."

calum giggles once again sitting up on the bed and holding micheal close, and he say seriously, "i love you micheal, and it's really early to say that considering we got into a relationship like a week ago."

micheal nods, he sees that calum has more to say so he just stays quite, so calum continues. "i belive in love at first sight, as cheesy as it sounds. i know that when i saw you i knew that i was going to be in a relationship with you, and love you. and i want nothing more than to grow old together with out own kids and grandkids. so i really really hope you want that too."

micheal, who is holding tears back, hugs calum and nods, saying, "god, cal, you are so cheesy you fucking testical hair."

°°°°back to lashton°°°°

"so, since i basically confessed my love to you, will you be my boyfriend?"

ashton nods, glad that luke asked the question; knowing that he himself would probably have an anxiety attack trying to ask.

"yes," ashton says smiling, "but you aren't forgiven you douche. you left me alone in my time of need."

luke pouts cutely, kissing ashton slowly, asking, "and what can I do you make it up to you?"

"i dont know, luke." ashton says, playing dumb, "what can you do?"

luke smirks and presses his lips against his boyfriends, pushing ashton farther into the bed slowly, until he is laying directly under luke.

ashton is blushing and panting under luke, and lets out a small gasp when luke slips his tongue into ashtons mouth.

ashton kisses back, however being so innocent, he doesn't know what to do after that.

"luke," ashton says gasping as luke palms ashton through the leggings he had put on yesterday, "luke, i- uh i dont know what to do."

luke nods and moves away from ashtons lips, downward, toward his neck, muttering, "its okay babe, let me teach you."

ashton nods, releasing a small moan at the feel of luke sucking at his neck all while palming his dick.

luke sees, and feels, ashtons obvious boner and only wants to get as close as he can to ashton. luke slowly takes the sweater, of which is lukes, off ashtons body, and takes his own off right afterwards.

luke leaves warm, messy kissed on ashtons shoulders, over to his collar bones, down to his pecks, right above ashtons right nipple.

luke gives the nipple a kiss as well, only to cause a shudder from ashton, who is gripping lukes shoulder bones.

luke smirks and starts sucking and licking the nipple, earning small moans from ashton. luke loves and does the same to ashtons other nipple and gives small kisses down ashtons arms, to where he had cut himself.

luke gives small kisses to each cut, muttering an "i love you" afterwards. luke kisses ashton roughly on the lips and after a couple of minutes of messy kisses he pulls away to take off  ashtons pants.

lukes cool hands are under the waistline of his leggings, and luke  kisses ashtons hip bones before looking up at him for peission.

this earns a quick nod from ashton as he lifts his hips in an attempt to help luke.

once the leggings are off ashton is left lying underneath luke in his fight boxers, and ashton pants as he says, "we arent, we won't, be having like sex right?"

luke shakes his head, "no, not yet. can i give you a blowjob?"

ashton nods, kissing luke again and blindly pulls at lukes sweatpants, pulling them off early and leaving both of them in there boxers.

luke moves lower, soon being between ashtons legs and seeing a dent in ashtons boxers.

luke looks into ashtons eyes and slowly takes off ashtons boxers, his own dick getting even harder.

ashton groans at the cool air on his hard but is soon taken by surprise at lukes lips wrapping around it, sucking and licking at the top.

this, to ashton, is enough to make him come, and since the innocent boy isn't sure on what is happening to him, he does come.

tears are comeing out of his eyes and he lets out a moan as he shudders against luke, who had swallowed the white escaping ashtons dick.

ashton is panting as luke pecks his lips, making ashton taste himself as luke whispers, with a small giggle, "spitters are quitters."

Idk what I just wrote, is this smut? Did I write smut. I have never written smut. I hate myself im gonna kms
- em

luke, comment, vote, share the works
And tell me what you think about this chapter 😂


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