14 - dr. jooma

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"are you ready for your appointment luke?" calum questions walking into lukes room only to see a completely clothed luke. this surprising calum considering luke usually hates any of his phych appointments.

"yeah," luke mutters turning away from his mirror, "i guess, are you driving me?"

"yeah, ashton and mike have the shop open and ready. alot of people are in there so they have that covered. leaving you and i a whole day together." calum explains.

luke nods and follows calum to the car where they turn on a pop punk perfection 🍕 play list on spotify and driving to their location. which is about an hour away from their home.

"the appointment isn't until one, do you want to go get a quick lunch?" calum questions.

luke nods having not said anything since he got into the car. calum sighs from the short reply, if it is even considered a reply.

"alright, i'm feeling some burger king, how about you?"

cue another short nod from luke, followed by an eye roll from calum.

"hello luke, long time no see." dr. jooma says walking into the office that smells like children's tears and body oder.

"hi." luke replys with a short wave.

"so according to your friend, calum was it?"  after a nod from luke jooma continues, "yes, so according to him you had another episode? and you had discontinued for medication?"

luke nods, still nod speaking.

"alright so lets begin with why you thought you could discontinue your zoloft and your hydroxyzine." dr. jooma says, followed by the actual question, "so why did you?"

luke clears his throat, "I, uh, thought that i was happier. and you explained in our first appointment that if i were happy enough i could stop..."

"i did say that, luke, but i also said that you should talk to me and i could tell you whether you can stop or not." she says, "so i will have to increase the zoloft dosage to 200ml and the hydroxyzin can stay he same but you need to take it more often until you learn to control your anxiety."

dr jooma writes this information on an all to familiar peice of paper then goes on asking other questions ranging from "so why were you so happy?" to "what caused your episode?" and also "how was work? anyone special in your life?"

luke explains the whole situation that has happened the past few months, leaving out the powers, different London, and infinite money parts.

"so you like this ashton guy that lives with you?" jooma questions with a small smirk.

luke just nods with a blush, then says, "when will this be over with?"

"we have about ten minutes until the appointment is set to be over but i just have to go over a couple of things." she says looking down at the paper, "alright so how do you feel about therapy? it shows here that you have not been to a therapy appointment since july ninth of 2013?"

"i've never liked therapy." luke says, "but i assume you are going to make me go."

she nods, "once a week until the therapist feels like that can be changed. we can find you a therapist would you like one closer you your house?"

luke nods, and jooma says, "alright so i think that is it. take this sheet to the front and you should be able to pick up your prescription in about two hours."

luke nods taking the sheet and standing up, only for dr. jooma to quickly say, "your next appointment should be in a month just to see how the meds work. bye luke."

luke walks out without another word and goes to the front to give the sheet to the worker and get a small paper saying the date of his next appointment.

"how was it?"

luke shrugs, "just the usual, she wants me to go to therapy."

calum nods and questions, "when do you have to do that?"

"once a week, they will call with the meeting time and location. " luke explains with a sigh.

"do you want to go shopping or anything while we are here?" calum asks, driving into the main road.

"can we just go home cal? i want a nap." luke mutters.

Basically a filler chapter. So kinda boring. The next chapter will be better.

that's gay // Lashton; Malum ✔️Where stories live. Discover now