4 - rue 21

964 74 16

so I am writing this on
my phone, there are
many mistakes and spelling errors blah blah blah
so bare with me i
will finish this story
then i will edit it
when it's done
ps; i love the probably two
people reading this
dont forget to like

"thank you for allowing us to stay." ashton says, "we really appreciate it, however we should not burden you anymore."

"no!" calum exclaims, "i mean, luke and i love having you here, you are fun. plus i highly doubt you can find your way around without us."

"i would love to stay, however I would feel bad, plus michael and I must go shopping."

"ash they can help is with the money. we dont understand it anyways." michael says, taking the large wad of cash out of his small bag on his back.

"holy shit where did you get that?" luke exclaims with wide eyes.

ashton shrugs, "my father felt guilty for banishing us so he have us this. it is plenty to get a few clothes?"

"You can buy the whole mall with this holy shit." calum says giving the money back to micheal, "you guys are staying. no ifs ands or buts."

luke nods in agreement saying, "alright, well lets go shopping."

The four boys ended up splitting up at the mall, luke going with ashton and michael with calum.

michael and ashton had two different clothing styles, michael had a preference of dark clothing with cool words or designs on it. ashton perfered lighter, happier colors.

"i think calum and michael will end up being a thing." ashton says to luke, "i mean they both like each other."

luke nods silently and ashton, since luke is not speaking to him, decides to listen to what luke is thinking.

lukes thoughts, to ashtons surprise, are a little jumbled. luke is thinking about asking ashton out one second, but the next he is simply thinking about what cloths ashton should wear. both revolving around ashton, causing the petite boy to blush.

luke looks at him asking, "you read my mind didn't you?"

ashton nods, he would feel guilty of he weren't to flattered.

luke sighs, "look ash, either you teach me how to make sure you can't read my mind. or you stop reading my mind. is it a deal?"

ashton nods muttering a sorry then saying, "I just grew up being allowed to do that, the people close to me know how to make sure i dont get into their mind."

"how do they do that?" luke questions.

"beans if i know, you'll have to ask micheal." ashton replys picking at his burnt skin.

"you should stop that," luke says, "it will get an infection if you keep picking."

ashton shrugs again and stops picking, "im not used to being in pain," he says, "everyone at home is always happy and care free and my mom would heal wounds and one is never sad or angry."

"that is unbelievable, it amazes me how your kingdom could be so good yet so bad at the same time." luke says, "i mean your own father banished you for being homosexual."

ashton clears his throat, "yeah, uh, and having sexual interaction with one of the same sex."

luke looks at ashton surprised, "you had sex?"

ashton blushes muttering, "i was curious."

"let me guess," luke says bitterly, "you had sex with michael?"

ashton nods, "no one was supossed to find out it was just-- I dont even know why we did it. he is practicly my brother, the feelings I have for him are completely platonic."

luke nods and points towards a shop, rue 21, it says.

"that store has some cool clothes. it might match your relatively flamoyant self." luke says walking towards the entrance.

ashton nods walking into the store already liking it, saying, "you have to make sure I look good in the clothes I choose, i dont want to look like a weirdo. and be honest."

that's gay // Lashton; Malum ✔️Where stories live. Discover now