9 - it's a date

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"why can't you just tell him already? he is so upset! michael called and said that ashton refuses to come back until you appologize." calum says to luke.

"ashton is acting luke a child." luke groaned, "why are you taking all of this on me?"

"because you are acting like a child! god luke you guys like each other just tell him for fucks sake. you are pushing him away, just like you did with weston.

"shut up calum! you dont know anything about what happened that day with weston! he ruined me and i am not allowing that to happen to me again." luke growls stomping into his room, not planing on coming out any time soon.

calum knows luke and he knows how upset he is. he sighs and dials michaels number.

"hey cal, any news?"

"just an argument. i dont know what to do. luke is upset, he probably won't leave his room." calum answers.

"ashton ran off, told me not to follow him." michael says, "he just needs to calm down, i guess."

"where are you? i can pick you up." calum tells him, already getting his lets.

"im by that one coffee shop, near that creepy ally." michael says, "i'll see you soon babe."

calum picks michael up and explains the argument that he and luke had only minutes before.

"what's the thing luke needs to tell ash?" michael questions.

"something happened with him and his ex about a year ago. it hit him really hard, i thought he got over it." calum says with a sigh, "i guess he didnt."

"i assume you won't tell me the thing."

calum shakes his head and pulls into the driveway of his home, following micheal into the house.

"wanna make something for the boys? we can go out later. you know, alone."

calums eyes widen, "y-eah, where do you want to go?"

"that new italian place? i neither of us have been; i thought we could go together." michael mutters with a blush, "i mean, only if you want. we could get a pizza or something if you perfer."

"no no," calum stutters, "i mean I would love to go to italian. it's a date. i mean it's not a date, unless you want it to be a date. it could be platonic, not that i want it to be platonic."

michael laughs grabing calums hand and leaving a note explaining to luke and ashton that they are out on a date.

that's gay // Lashton; Malum ✔️Where stories live. Discover now