2 - uh, oh!

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micheal is upset, not only with the king, but with himself. he had always protected ashton, almost as if ashton were his little brother.

micheal got him and his best friend kicked out of their home and he doesnt know what to do. neither of them have been to earth, or even heard of it. the only place they have ever known, gentopia, [gen if you are reading this I named something after you] is now not a place they are to go, so basically micheal and ashton and lost in every say possible. they. are. screwed.

"micheal," ashton says sniffling, he has been crying since they got here yesterday, "we need to find a sleeping facility."

micheal sighs, his hair turning a bright red to fit his mood, "where do you think we will find one of those, ash? it's not like we can just snap our fingers and a fucking 5-star hotel pops up."

"no need to get snappy micheal, i was just giving us a little direction as to where we should go." ashton says, "and we can just ask someone where the closest hotel is."

"alright ash, just choose someone with nice thoughts, please." micheal says while watch ashton look into a few people's minds.

after a minute of searching ashton then says, "the tall blonde
with the darker brunette that's eating icecream, said 'thats gay' and his friend said 'im sorry'. gay means happy lets ask them. plus they look like they live around here."

micheal shrugs, the looks of these guys gave him bad vibes, however he was raised to 'not judge a book by it's cover' dispite their dark clothing and bad vibes he still follows ashton to the two boys.

"hello im ashton and this is micheal, i was wondering if you could help us." ashton says.

they look up at the two boys, the darker haired one mutters, "i guess, what do you need."

"we need a place to stay, we know nothing about this world we arent--"

"ash." micheal whispers elbowing my side, "shut up, you are rambling."

he frowns a little and looks down, then micheal said, "we are just looking for the nearest hotel."

"there aren't many hotels around here," the blond says, he has a deep voice and ashton feels himself melting already, "the closest one is an hour away."

"oh," ashton mutters as he grabs micheals hand and turns to leave.

"uh, oh!" the darker one says standing, "uh, your hair just changed color?"

micheals eyes widen, the color was new, ashton looks at his head and notices the light purple color.

ashtons eyebrows scrunch together. what could purple possibly mean? pink was usually love, so it couldn't be that. could it?

"uh," micheal clears his throat and slowly turning around, so much for keeping their... odd-ness on the down low.

"you are seeing things?" micheal says, more like questions.

"i'm not I swear it was red a second ago." calum exclaims.

"can you shut up?" micheal mutters, making sure no one around is paying attention. thankfully no one gave them the time of day.

"do you have anywhere we can talk about this privately?" micheal questions.

ashton absentmindingly reads calums thoughts which say how they could get to those house and ashton says, "your house sounds good."

"fucking hell, ash." micheal mutters, then looks at calum, "your house it is?"

"yeah my house is private. i guess. but luke and i live together. did you read my mind?"

micheal and ashton shrug and follow them to their living quarters.

that's gay // Lashton; Malum ✔️Where stories live. Discover now