13 - ten dollars

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"i bet you ten dollars that when we come back they will be making out," calum says, driving around looking for a thrift store they can shop at.

michael rolls his eyes, "deal."

they shake on it and calum stops at a small thrift store.
"how do i look?"

"like a god," calum replys looking micheal up and down.

"i see you looking at my ass, calum. make it less obvious next time." micheal says with a blush and turning around, pulling on the collar of the shirt.

" micheal says with a blush and turning around, pulling on the collar of the shirt

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calum laughs and says, "maybe you should wear that on our next date."

michael blushes again and turns to calum, "another date?"

"yeah, i mean if you want to. i have it all planned!" calum notes excitedly.

"alright, cal, i would love to go on a date with you." michael says with a laugh, "and I will get this shirt for that occasion."

calum cheers, "i say we get some celebratory ice cream."
"your total is 7.96." the cashier says, taking the ten that michael holds out.

calum and michael find their way to a seat by the window. they enjoy their ice cream; chocolate for calum and coffee for michael.

"you know," michael says, "when i came here i never expected to like it. i thought that we were going to learn our lesson and just to back."

"do you want to go back? like ever?"

"No, i mean you are here." michael explains with a blush, "i dont want to leave you."

calum smiles with a blush, "what about ash? does he want to go back?"

"he misses it. i can tell, after the whole incident with luke. he thought, when luke hated him, he was thinking about going back. like he really thought about it. I mean," michael pauses, "ashton was a prince, and he had a family that loved and adored him. he had his sister and a brother and it just was a big change. but i dont think he actually wants to go back."

calums nods slurping somemore ice cream and giggling when seeing that michael had some on his face.

"michael, you got some ice cream," calum says pointing to michaels cheek.

michael blushes and wipes it off with his finger and calum continues to laugh, but he shuts up when micheal flips calum off.

it's quiet for a while; a comfortable silence and calum grabs michaels hand and leads him out of the ice cream shop, walking back to the car.

"should we head back to the homo shop?" calum asks, "im sure luke is done explaining. it's been like an hour."

michael nods in agreement.
when michael and calum walk into the store they see ashton pressed against the wall with luke in front of him, lukes lips pressed against ashtons.

calum cheers loudly yelling, "oh! you owe me ten dollars! in your face michael."

"you bet on us?" luke says with an eyeroll.

"yes." calum confirms, "but on the other hand are you guys a thing now?"

ashton blushes and luke says, "uh, not yet. but soon."

"yeah," ashton echos, "soon"

that's gay // Lashton; Malum ✔️Where stories live. Discover now