5 - hot topic

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"alright micheal, I like your style. there are a couple of stores that we should go to. one of which being hot topic, it's go black clothes and band merch," calum says waving his hands around.

"one issue with that cal," micheal says, "i dont know the music here?"

"oh, well, im sure we can at least find you a pair of jeans? lets see." calum says walking into the dark store.

they shop for a while only getting one shirt and a pair of jeans.

as that are checking out, calum has to help michael with the distribution of the money.

as calum pays, michael can't help but notice how attractive the worker is, he has an eye brow piercing and black hair.

calum, from the corner of his eyes, sees michaels hair turn from his nutral brown to blue, admiration.

calums eyes widen and he quickly slips his own beanie onto michaels head, hoping the worker doesn't notice.

thankfully, the boy didnt notice and calum leaves quickly after paying. once the boys are out of the store calum is quick to start telling at Michael.

"can you not keep your hair under control? you could draw unneeded attention towards us!"

michael rolls his eyes, "no I can not keep my hair under control it just pops up."

calum sighs saying, "just keep the beanie. lets go to these other stores."


a couple of hours later luke and ashton meet up with calum and michael. each group has multiple bags from different stores and are completely exhausted from their day of shopping.

"now i know where the term 'shop til you drop' comes from." michael mutters plopping into the back seat of luke and calums car.

the four boys had learnt alot about each other over their small day of shopping. ashton learning that luke and calum had been friends for years and they currently work at a record label company, only at the front deal, but it pays the bills.

micheal learned that calum has anger issues, and doesn't know how to deal with his problems. he found that out when they were shopping for shoes at the converse store, where calum appologized for being rude about michaels hair.

luke and calum learned more about where the two odd boys had came from and their family's. ashton talked quite a but, never knowing when to stop talking. he pretty much have luke his entire life story.

michael was different, he was more shy about opening up, he just explained that he lived with his mother and father until he was sixteen, where he then moved into his own apartment.

gentopia had no money, the gentopians just got what they wanted when they pleased. it was normal for the gentopians to be spoiled. ashton and michael being no different. dispite that the gentopians were very nice and honest and happy people. the only only rule in gentopia being to always agree with the king. anything the king says goes, which is one of the reasons gentopia is so homophobic and close minded.

calum and luke are in the front seats arguing about where they should go for linner as they called it. a mix between lunch and dinner, when it is around three in the afternoon. too late for lunch; too early for dinner.

"lets just get some mexican food." luke says sighing, I like the mexi-wing in town and I know you like it too."

calum agrees and ask the two boys in the back, "do you like mexican food?"

ashton and michael become confused, under as to what mexican food could possibly be.

"gentopia has no mexican food." ashton says, "but i am curious to try it."

calum laughs asking, "what does gentopia have?"

"fried pegisi," ashton replays bluntly causing luke and calum to raise their eyebrows in surprise.

"well pegisi dont exsist here on earth. so i hope you like ground beef." luke says pulling into the mexican restaurant.

"you have lots to teach us about earth." ashton says smiling, "it's much different than i anything i could have ever imagined."

"calum and i will teach you everything we know. i hope you like pizza."

I found a couple of outfits
that I thought michael
and ashton would have
bought in this story
and I decided
to show you guys.
- em



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plus the usual skinny jeans and original b&w converse

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plus the usual skinny jeans and original b&w converse



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plus some red colored skinny jeans and black skinnies also a pair of vans

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plus some red colored skinny jeans and black skinnies also a pair of vans.

remember ash and mikey have different fashion sense, also they both have plenty more outfits that they have bought. these are only to give you guys a sense of what they may have bought.
- em

that's gay // Lashton; Malum ✔️Where stories live. Discover now