11 - cake

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"luke, get the hell up. i told you not to go to sleep."

luke mumbles incoherently and gets out of the bed with his eyes still shut. grabbing onto calum for support and slowly opening his drowsey eyes.

"why did you wake me up?" luke complains searching around the room for his shirt which had somehow come off in the middle of his sleep.

"ashton has something planned. i told you, so he is down at the store. he wanted all of us to come." calum says, "now get dressed, michael and I will be waiting."

luke nods shuffling to his room, and slipping on some skinny jeans but leaving on whatever t-shirt he was already wearing.

luke walks into the living room and sees calum and michael standing my the door waiting for them.

"here are some anxeiety pills. it should last until you get to dr. jooma on tuesday." calum tells me handing me a little pink pill.

luke sighs and nods, following calum and michael to the car while dry swallowing a pill.

when in the car luke asks michael, "did calum tell you why i was so screwed up today?"

michael nods and calum says quietly, "he was concerned. i didn't tell him the whole thing, just like the leaving and embarasing part."

luke nods saying, "it's fine, i dont mind, i just have to tell ash."

the car is silent for the rest of the ride. when they get to the shop they see all of the lights on, no one is inside, that they see. that isnt odd though, they open next week so no one should be in the shop anyways; customer wise at least.

calum pushes luke into the store, calling out an "he's here!" them quickly walking back out of the door and driving away with michael.

luke rolls his eyes angrily, but smiles as he see's a messy ashton walk out from behind the small baking area.

the past few months ashton had been learning to bake, and doing very well. so ashton approaches luke with a cookie cake in his hand, and when luke gets a good look he see's that the cake has a simple I'm sorry written on it.

luke gives ash a small smile and grabs the cake, only to put it on the table. luke have ashton a tight hug, trying not to cry.

"you dont have to be sorry." luke says into his ear, "im sorry. im so sorry. please dont leave me and worry me like that again."

ashton gives luke a wide smile and they get out of their hug, "i over reacted, luke. whatever was going on with you, it's not my place to push it out of you. i can only say that anything that is wrong, i won't judge and i will support and be there for you. i should have said that, i was being a bitch and i'm sorry."

"god, ash, you are going to make me cry." luke laughs tightly, "but i want to tell you why i was so, you know, awful and distant."

"you dont have too luke." ashton replys.

"well i am, and what better way than over this amazing cake?"

"that sounds amazing." ashton says with a smile, sitting down in front of the cake and luke.

that's gay // Lashton; Malum ✔️Where stories live. Discover now