10 - im sorry

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by the time calum and michael get back from their date it is one in the morning. they hot caught up at the gaming station across the street from the italian place.

lets just say; michaels hair was purple the entire night

they had been a giggling mess and feel asleep cuddling on calums bed. not getting up until the hear a histaric luke enter the room. which had to of been around ten in the morning.

"he isnt back yet." luke says falling on the bed, "ashton isnt back yet and he could have been raped on the street or taken in for sex trafficing and it's all my fault."

a sleepy calum incoherently mutters with his eyes still closed while michael instantly jumps out of bed.

"what do you mean he isnt back? he said he would come back, he promised. he should be here. should we go to the cops? we have to go look for him." michaels hands are shaking as he grabs his phone.

"guys he is fine." calum says from the bed, "he texted me earlier this morning, he said that he stayed at the shop. and told us not to come until later this afternoon."

michaels eyebrows scrunch together, "why would he tell you this?"

calum shrugs getting out of bed and searching for a pair of pants.

michael then calls ashton, luke still by his side trying to prevent tears from slipping out. he was over reacting. being paranoid, ash is fine, no one has hurt him.

i hurt him luke thinks to himself, he falls on the floor and wraps his arms around his lanky body.

calum is by his side in an instant and michael calls out to the crying luke on the floor. luke ignores both of the people, and only comes back to reality when he hears michael talking to ashton.

"look ash, i have to go luke is like panicing or something we will be there soon."

luke goes back to ignoring after that, only thinking about how paranoid and stupid he is for even thinking that ashton would be sold for sex to trafficing. luke is stupid for even thinking that someone as amazing as ashton would love someone as problematic as luke. luke can't express his feelings all he wants is ashton.

luke is sad and completely done with everything by the time his tears stop, calum is beside him telling him story's of when they were younger, michael is staring, almost as if he is paralyzed.

"you okay now luke?" calum asks, and turning to michael asking him to make a pot of tea for luke.

luke nods muttering apology after apology; "im sorry for being stupid, im sorry for being paranoid, im sorry for being so problamatic. im so sorry."

"luke it's fine, everything is fine. you aren't problematic. you are exhausted." calum says quetily, getting off the floor and helping like up.

luke gets off the floor and lays on calums bed, with calum beside him.

"have you been taking your meds, luke?"

luke turns to calum, shaking his head lightly, stammering, "i thought i didn't need them anymore. they said i didnt have to take them forever."

calum sighs, "luke, they also said to talk to someone before you decide to go off of them. you know, a profesional."


"there is nothing to be sorry about. it's fine, i will get an appointment with dr. jooma and she will decide what to do from there, okay?" calum says, sounding like a parent.

"whatever," luke sighs, "i want to see ashton."

"he wants us there in an hour. he has something planned. you will like it i swear. now I'm goung to see what is taking michael so long." calum says standing up, "dont fall asleep i will be back in a second."

dispite calums order, luke fell asleep.

So what luke had
Was an anxiety attack
all anxiety attacks
Are different.

Luke felt as if
everyone was against him. Only thinking
bad about himself,
and sobbing until
he couldn't breath.

Ya know just to
clear up any confusion
- em

Again I love you
dont forget to
like and comment ect.

that's gay // Lashton; Malum ✔️Where stories live. Discover now