3 - stay here

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"explain the hair color, and then mind reading shit?" calum exclaims, "this only exsist in books. i dont do drugs, luke did you slip something into my icecream?"

luke rolls his eyes, "yes i totally did. i have wanted to drug you since the day I met you seven years ago."

"whatever please explain to me what is going on?" calum says rubbing his temples.

"michael and i are from gentopia, everything there is so different than here on earth. more pollution and bad thoughts." ashton says, "everyone in gentopia had something most call powers. but we aren't super people by any means, i can read minds, michael here has his cool hair changing thing, which describes his mood. he is basically an open book but he can also see and breath underwater."

"ash you can stop talking now you are freaking them out." michael says.

these guys are psychos ashton hears luke think, of which ashton gets a small bit angry.

"we aren't psycho," ashton says, "we will prove it to you."

luke raises his eyebrows in an as if motion. he then says, "okay, what number am i thinking of?"

ashton smirks saying, "you arent thinking of a number. you are thinking about how nice my ass looks in the jeans."

luke mutters profanities, "alright i believe you."

ashton then looks at calum saying sassily, "do you want to test me too? i know what what you were thinking about michael earlier today."

calum blushes saying, "we obviously believe you. so how did you uh, get to earth?"

"we were banished. earth is our punishment." ashton explains, "we were punished for homosexuality and bad language."

luke and calum shrug, as if it is understandable.

michael starts blaming himself in his mind. of which ashton turns to him and slaps him saying, "none of this is your fault. i did it all and I could have stoped it, you didnt know how to react. i could have even stopped my father from punishing us but i said no. so get your head out of your ass and realize none of this is your fault."

"what the hell ashton?" micheal exclaims, his hair turning a deep red, "seriously what the hell? your father would not have changed his mind, all of this would have happened anyways. ashton you kissed me, i understand that, but I continued it. i mean for gods sake we dont even like each other."

ashton sighs, "whatever i mean. it's already done and im just tired and would really appricate a place to rest."

micheal clears his throat and his hair slowly clearing out to a nutral black color, he then looks at the two wide eyes boys beside them asking, "do you know where we can get some rest?"

"you can stay here," luke says quickly, "we have an extra room and of need be one of us can sleep on the couch."

ashton, who is still angry now has red spots appearing on his skin. they are exactly like burns, they pop up when he gets angry or sad, his mother usually heals them for him, but that can't be the case today.

"ashton stop," micheal warns, "you need to stop you are hurting yourself."

ashton rolls his eyes and turns to like, smiling as sweetly as possible he asks, "may i use your shower? and possibly a pair of clothes?"

luke nods leading ashton to the bathroom, and giving him a pair of swear pants and boxers. ashton thanks him, and begins his shower.

luke returns to the main room only to see calum rubbing michaels purple hair. luke rolls his eyes, already knowing what the color means. and as cheesy as it sounds, it's obviously love.

that's gay // Lashton; Malum ✔️Where stories live. Discover now