Chapter 5 - Middle Name Game

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-bzz bzz-

-bzz bzz-

-bzz bzz-

What it's that? A text? Am I dreaming? IS IT MY ALARM?

I jolted up from my sleep hoping that it wasn't my alarm. It wasn't. But it was about time for me to get up anyway. I walked to the bathroom, washed my face, brushed my teeth, and even threw on some mascara. I decided to "dress up" today and that meant a cute sweater and a skirt.

The weather was starting to get cooler so I was wearing skirts and shorts as much as possible before fall truly kicks in.

The buzzing kept going as I was brushing my teeth. I had 5 new texts from John. It's too early for what I assumed to be dirty jokes, it would have to wait.

I put my hair in two space buns and checked my appearance one last time before heading downstairs and out the door.

Before I started my car, I finally checked the messages from Johnathan. Mostly incoherent blurbs about last night. How it was fun, that we should hang out more often, the whole nine.

"I'll think about it :)"

I was coming around to the idea that Johnathan wasn't that bad of a guy but I didn't want him thinking I had feelings for him when I am pretty sure I don't have feelings for him. It wouldn't be fair.

At school, Jay met me up front with coffee and a muffin. "This is why you're my best friend," I said taking a huge bite of the muffin.

"Ha, I know. Speaking of your best friend, I think someone has me beat. Look who's at your locker." I got a little excited at the sight of Johnathan leaning against my locker. He winked when he saw me.

"You're blushing," Jay whispered.

"I don't blush."

"Hey Jaylen, morning half-pint. Um, are you busy tonight? I was wondering if we could study some more I have so many missing assignments its, well sad."

"Uh, sure why not. But I'm not giving you a ride this time!"

He smiled and walked away. The look on Jay's face said it all.

"Cameron, you are giving up your Friday night, to tutor Johnathan. John who just called you 'half-pint' John. Wow, you really do like him."

"No, I don't! You're forgetting I'm getting paid next time he gets a report card so ha!"

It sounded a lot better in my head.

"Well, date two better be pretty damn fantastic for you, Cameron Taylor, to miss out on sitting in your room watching Criminal Minds for the 15th time."

"Ok two things, it's not a date and I am training myself so that I can be a profiler and marry Matthew Grey Gubler."

"Well, maybe you could train with Johnathan."

"Oh, whatever! I'll see you in math."


"So do you know your account information?"

I could tell by the look on his face he didn't. I was trying to get access to Johnathan's grades so we could see what he was missing and then get them finished.

"Should've seen that coming. Well, it's usually your first initial, middle initial, last name. What's your middle name?"


I scoffed at him. "You're seriously not going to tell me your middle name?"

"You said only need my middle initial."

I rolled my eyes and typed in his username. "Now all I need is your student ID number."

"5679873." He said it without any hesitation.

"You would rather tell me your student ID than tell me your middle name? Wow, it must be pretty bad."

I typed it into the password slot and hit enter. "Didn't work. Did you change your password, Bartholomew?"

"No, and that's not my middle name."

"Just tell me!"


"Johnathan." I tried to sound stern but he just laughed and mocked me.


"Why won't you tell me?" I touched his knee. I knew he liked me and I was using it to my advantage. Was I ashamed? Only a little.

"Why do you want to know so bad?" It wasn't working. I shrugged my shoulders and moved my hand up his leg.

"I just do. What is it?"

He didn't budge. He leaned in for what looked a kiss and I froze. He stopped inches away from my face. "Sorry, sweetheart. Not telling you."

I groaned and threw my hands in the air.


"What?" He said leaning back against the couch.

"That's my middle name. My parents called me Cameron Olivia til I was like ten. I told them I hated it and they stopped. Well kind of, now they only call me that if I piss them off. Now tell me or I'll start calling you Bartholomew."

He was still smiling I assumed he was picturing a young me yelling at my parents for calling me, Cameron Olivia. That or something completely inappropriate. Arms crossed, he squinted at me and finally answered my question.

"It's Wade."

"That's not even a bad name, what the hell?"

He chuckled. "I wanted to see if you still obsessively fight for stupid things. I was right, you still do."

"I don't-! You're annoying."

"I know."

"Here," I huffed, handing him my laptop. "Type in something that your password could be."

He was in on the first try. He chuckled to himself so I assumed it was something dirty or immature. I didn't ask, I knew I would regret it.

"12 missing assignments?!"

"Told ya. I need you."

I snorted. "Are we still talking about tutoring?"

"We can talk about whatever you want Cameron Olivia." He smirked at me leaning closer to me. His arm resting behind my head.

I scoffed at him and took my computer back. "Try anything, and I'll kick your ass."

"I'll be good, promise."

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