Chapter 19 - Emily West

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"Shit, I left my phone in your car. Keys." He tossed me his keys and I walked back to his car grabbing my phone out the passenger's seat.

I walk into the school, turning the corner that led to my locker. There's a skinny blonde girl blocking it. Oh, and she ridiculously close to my man.

I tried not to make my who-the-hell-is-this bitch-? face but, who the hell is this bitch? Her hand on my man's chest, her laughing a little too hard at MY man's joke. Johnathan isn't that funny sis.

I quickly composed myself before walking up to them. Slapping an inviting smile on my face.

"And you must Cameron!" The perky blonde exclaimed. "Ugh, you are so pretty for a black girl!"

"Excuse me?"

This chick is slowly moving up on my "I do not like your ass" list and John could tell. He grabbed my hand and gave a little squeeze, our signal for "uh babe you need to calm down."

"I mean look at her, Johnny. I totally get what you see in her. If I was gay I would definitely date you."

Ok, but who said I would date you though? Stop it, Cameron.

"Sorry, I didn't catch your name," I said in my nicest non-threatening voice.

"Emily! Emily West."

You got to be fucking kidding me. Ring Pop girl, my boyfriends first crush. Great.

Yeah, I probably have nothing to worry about. I trust Johnathan, I really do, but this fit, model type standing in front of me, that's a different story. I don't like the way she looking at him and John is already a huge flirt as is so yes, I am a little skeptical.

Johnathan must have noticed that I made the connection and interrupted Emily and me's "conversation."

"Well uh, its nice seeing you again but Cam and I have to go. I promised I would help her Camryn study before 1st so..."

A lie. I don't have a test today.

"Oh. Well here, unlock your phone." I saw him glanced at me before he took out his phone and timidly handed it to Emily.

"Whenever y'all want to hang out, just give me a call."

Just shut the hell up and leave. I swear I saw her but a heart emoji next to her contact name. I'm this close.....

We said our goodbyes and went to "go study."

"She likes you."


"Or she's a manipulative bitch. You can choose." I put a little emphasis on bitch. Oops.

He chuckled at my jealousy but I'm being so serious. Girls are assholes, whether it's right off the bat or later. You would think for as much of the "females ain't shit" talk going around guys would at least pick up on the signs.

"She came at me with a pair of scissors!"

"Ok so manipulative bitch. That wasn't too hard."

He let out a deep sigh. "Fine, I'll give in. Why do you think she likes me?"

"For one, the touching. The hand on the arm thing, classic. It's an easy excuse to touch said crush without being too obvious.  Then there's the way she looked at you. You can't tell me you didn't notice that?"

"My God, you really are a profiler in training." he gasped. "So the manipulative bitch part?"

"Do you not remember what you did to her?"

"We were, what, 10? 11 tops? You really think-?"

I looked at him with crossed arms.

"Wow, you really think. Alright, I think you....I don't really know. Go to class, learn something." He kissed my forehead and nudged me in the direction of my classroom.

"I think you should take your own advice."


Me: so did she transfer here or what... I've literally never seen her here

John: yea so?

Me: just wondering...

Me: any classes with her...

John: still just wondering?

Me: yes

John: i dont know i didnt ask

John: have a good day ;)

Me: yea. you too.


Jay invited me and John to hang out with her and Isaiah after school. Naturally, I brought up the whole Emily situation.

"Oh yeah, she does seem a little sketchy. Maybe not 'manipulative bitch' sketchy but definitely sketchy."

"Thank you!" My bestie and I high-five while Johnathan sighed and threw his head back against the booth.

"Ok but nothing's wrong with flirting." Isaiah finally joined the debate besides laughing.

"Finally, someone who agrees with me!"


"But?! No, dude. Why'd you add a 'but'?!" Johnathan whined.

"Girls usually only flirt when they want something."

"So what was she doing again?" Jay asked.

I leaned over to John placing my hand on his arm mimicking Emily's actions, adding the ditsy laughing.

"She was probably talking about the dirty things she would to do to you." Jay mocked as John ran a hand through his face groaning.

"She just apologized for the 5th-grade incident."

"HA! I remember that." Jay blurted. "You ran around the room yelling

"What did she really say? You know before the 'compliments' to me."

"She did ask me out," I snorted and gave Jay a look while taking a sip of my Coke. We don't even have to say anything and still have a whole conversation.

See? Manipulative bitch.

She raised her eyebrows and shrugged.

"Dude." Isaiah threw his hands up slightly.

"Obviously I said no and told her I have an amazing girlfriend," he wrapped his arms around me and kissed my temple. "And because she's a crazy bitch."

"Some would say manipulative," Jay mumbled earning a laugh from everyone, including Johnathan. I love her.

"Okay fine. She was acting weird but I don't care. I'm not worried about her at all."

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