Chapter 6 - Lunch

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Lunch time is one of my favorite times of the day. I get to see my best friend and I get to eat!

-bzz bzz-

Jay: went home wasn't feeling too great Sorry:(

Ok, so no best friend today. I can always go to the art room. Before I could even finish my thought, Johnathan sat down next to me. I quickly replied to Jays next then acknowledged Johnathan.

"You are everywhere nowadays." I tried to be annoyed but I was weirdly ok with his company.

"I figured we could go off campus for lunch, I'll pay." It was Friday so the cafeteria was selling those undercooked hotdogs they sell every Friday, but I didn't really feel like going anywhere. I wasn't really hungry.

"Where's Jay?"

"She went home early. I'm gonna say no to going off campus, I was on my way to the art room. You can come along if you want."

John ran a hand through his dark hair and sighed. "Me and Mrs. B aren't on the best of terms...what about the library? I need to find a book for Huntley's class."

"You haven't even started?! , this is why your failing." I hit is shoulder earning a slight laugh to escape from his lips.

"Technically I'm not failing, I have a D in his class. Plus it's one if the 'missing assignments' and I have this amazing girl tutoring me. She's kind of a pain in the ass, though." His snarky comment earned him a dry, sarcastic laugh.

"It's due in two weeks anyway. I have time to finish it, but only if I get the stupid book, let's go!" He grabbed his stuff, slipped his hand into mind, and dragged me to the library.

I spent most of my freshman year in the library before the merger of my school and the neighboring school. I didn't have many friends who went here except for Ms. Schmit, the librarian. As sad as that sounds the school librarian was my best friend at school until I found out that Jay's school was the school getting merged with mine. I was ecstatic. We met each other in fifth grade but got split up when the state rezoned the school district. She moved a couple of streets over and started coming here the end of freshman year.

I saw Ms.Schmit at the check out counter and went to say hi. Ms.Schmit is a short, British woman with insanely beautiful, curly red hair. She's a couple years older than me so she's like an older sister to me. She helped me every paper, every English project that I've had since I started high school, she's by far my favorite "teacher" at this school.

"So before you tell me what you need me to find, I need you to tell me about the stunning young boy who is following you around like a puppy." She pointed at Johnathan with the end of her pencil, glancing in his direction.

"He's not that good-looking." I lied leaning back against the counter to look over at Johnathan trying to look for a book for his project. John was a good looking guy, classic pretty boy.

"He definitely is! The dark hair, the light eyes. Darling, you've done well."

I snorted. "No no we're not- he's not my boyfriend. We're just friends, I'm helping him with a project, I'm his tutor."

"Uh huh... tutor. Speak of the devil, handsome is walking this way."

"Hey." He placed his hand on my lower back sending a chill through my body. I let it slide because I assumed he was just making sure I knew he was behind me.

"Ready to check out?" Ms. Schmit asked reaching out her hand.

"Yeah, thanks." Ms. Schmit scanned the book and handed back to him. We walked back to the table and I suggested John start in his book. He didn't of course, instead, he put it in his book bag, completely ignoring my suggestion.

He was sitting across from me staring. I was trying my hardest to pretend I didn't notice. He bit his lip and pulled out his phone to text someone and went back to staring, but not at me.

I was working on some sketches in my sketchbook. I needed ten by tomorrow to start on a project and I was only on my third. My teacher was really strict about "exploring all your options" which I hated because my first idea was usually my best. The whole thing was pointless to me.

"Draw me." I dropped my head onto the table dramatically. Johnathan laughed at me, his dimples showing. "What? What did I do?"

"This is why I only draw around the people in my art class and Jay. Do you have any idea how many times I hear that? It gets really annoying."

"Sorry?" He was still laughing at me, he wasn't sorry.

"Next time you try to flirt with an artist don't use the line 'Draw Me' maybe try 'Wow, that's really good!'" I was being sarcastic but he leaned in closer and chuckled.

"Well, what else should I say if I was trying to flirt with an artist? Or how about more annoying thing us non-artsy people say."

I could go on for hours there are so many things that are flattering the first couple times but just get annoying. "That could take forever but my all time favorite one is 'Omg did you draw that yourself?!' or 'Dude, did you trace that?'" I said it in a "valley girl voice" and the second one in a "basic white boy" which were both pretty spot on if I do say so myself.

"How is that annoying? Honestly, they're more stupid than annoying."

"That's why they're annoying! Did I draw it myself? Yes, I drew it myself, I working on it right now! And asking if I traced it is just insulting."

He laughed at me. "Are you serious?"

"Extremely! I have talent why would I have to? It just makes no sense." He picked my sketchbook and started flipping through the pages. It was a pretty new sketchbook so there wasn't much to look through.

"Wow, these are really good."

I could feel my cheeks get hot as a huge smile grew on my face. The bell was about to ring so I took my sketchbook back.

"Thanks uh, I have to get going before the mob of people flood into the hallway. I'll see you later." It was a stupid excuse but it worked. He didn't question me.

I stood up, grabbed my bag and started to walk out. I felt like a giddy little kid. I didn't have feelings for Johnathan...did I?

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