Chapter 32 - Happy Birthday!

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hi guys! so just a couple things - i am sooo sorry for not updating for so long. i honestly feel terrible but i have had writers block and no motivation for a while but i am back with an update. 

also i wanted to thank you all for reading even though ive been gone! we've reached 3k+ reads and 100+ votes. as usual i am so grateful for all of you and am happy to be writing again :)

enough of my rambling heres the update! (to make up for my absence this chapter is looong)


I got home from school physically exhausted. My teachers were getting on my nerves, I ended up slipping and dropping everything out of my bag. I THOUGHT THAT ONLY HAPPENED IN MOVIES!! What are the odds of me spilling everything out of my bag? Everything.

I knew I had plans with Jay and Johnathan but all I really wanted to do was take a nap. I wanted to relax and get all the shitty things that happened today out of my head.

I got to my front door and went to put in the key when I was a note on the door.

Happy birthday!!
- Jaylen & Johnathan

"Aw, thanks, guys," I said to myself. I took the note off the door and walked inside. Mmm, this nap has to be short. I'm having dinner with my family, Jay, and Johnathan.

I gasped at the sight of the entryway of my house filled pink balloons.

"Oh my God.."

I went towards the stairs and noticed the cards on the floor leading up the stairs. I dropped my book bag and picked up the first one.

10 things I love about you

1. You have the cutest laugh

2. "Homework face"

I rolled my eyes and picked up the next card

3. Your sarcastic comments

4. Your curly hair

5. The way you light up when you talk about things you like (example: me)

6. How sexy you look in my hoodies

7. Your obsession with Criminal Minds and Law and Order: SVU

8. Your love for 80's movies

9. That you choose to wear mix-matched socks

I looked around for a final note but didn't see one. I got to my bedroom door and saw the note taped to it.

And finally...

I walked in to see Johnathan holding a bouquet of roses in his hand. I covered my mouth knowing I was going to start crying pretty soon.

"I get to call you mine."

I clutched my mouth. There were rose petals on my bed and a bouquet of roses in his hands.

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