Chapter 15 - I Miss You pt.2

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I was in the middle of my third rom-com when I got a call. I figured it was John but I only picked up my phone because there was a possibility of it being one of my parents. It was neither and ended up being Jay.

"Hey.." I answered my phone not so enthusiastically and with a mouth full of ice cream.

"Hey, you don't sound too happy. What's up?" I contemplated telling her about what happened earlier tonight. I figured I'd go ahead and get it out of my system now, and prevent me having to relive it later. I told her about the fight, his parents, and the kiss.

"Wow..uh I want to ask if he was a good kisser but I feel like that will make you sad."

I snorted. Of course she did.

"He was a great kisser." I thought about how it felt to have his arms wrapped around my waist. How soft his lips were against mine. However, my thoughts were interrupted by Jay's intense shriek of "SERIOUSLY!?"

I let out a sad laugh at Jay and her interest in my small encounter with Johnathan.

"Yeah, a moment of perfect right before it all went to hell."

"Not hell, you guys had your first fight of many fights. Let him explain himself and get over it. I, your best friend in the whole world, am allowed to tell you that you're being ridiculous. You're being ridiculous."

I knew she was right, I was being ridiculous. We aren't dating, and there is no legitimate reason for me to be mad at him I just was.

I let out a big sigh and walked downstairs to the kitchen. "Ok I will but I'm just not in the mood to see or hear from him right now."

"Well, I didn't mean right now! You can be mad for a day or two. He ignored you for two weeks. If you ask me, his parents splitting wasn't what pissed him off so much. He wouldn't have lashed out that bad."

I scoffed while putting what's left of my ice cream back into the freezer.

"So you do think I pissed him off? He said he wasn't mad at me."

"So? You probably like looked at another boy and he got jealous." She said "jealous" like a little kid.

"Jay, I'm serious."

"So am I! Maybe he just has his head up his ass because he's jealous."

"Yeah ok. Let's change the subject. Preferably not about John."

We spent the next three hours talking about the last Law and Order: SVU episodes, grades and other random stuff you talk about when its 1 am and your starting to get tired.

We got off the phone and I was just about to head back upstairs when my phone rang again. This time it was John. I realized Jay was right, I was being stupid. I had already gone weeks without talking to him, I didn't want to extend it even more by being mad over something so little. I figured I'd answer. "Hey..."

There wasn't a response.


"No, Hey I just figured you were asleep or just weren't going to answer again."

I chuckled at the irony of the situation. "Doesn't feel too great does it?"

He chuckled back. "No. No, it doesn't. Well, uh, I feel really bad for what I said earlier. I wanted to apologize."

"Mm. I was told I was being ridiculous so, I'm sorry too."

"Wait, did I say that?"

"No! Forget it. Um, I do have a question, though. Are you sure you're not mad at me?" I was embarrassed but I kept thinking about what Jay said.

"Why are you asking me that? I said I wasn't mad at you earlier." His tone changed. It wasn't a mad tone but it definitely wasn't happy.

"Well, you see the way you just responded says otherwise. And the way you snapped when I asked why you didn't just tell me."

He let out a deep sigh followed by a long pause. I could picture him running his hands through his hair trying not to get worked up.

"It's such a stupid reason. It's not you that made me mad, you just reminded me why I was mad."

"I remind you of your parent's divorce?"

"No- just let me explain myself before you bite my head off ok? And stop rolling your eyes I can hear them rolling around in your head."

He was right, I rolled my eyes. It made me smile that he knew me so well he didn't have to be in front of me to know what I was doing.

"Explain before I hang up. Apparently, it's something we're both good at doing."

I heard him awkwardly chuckle before he answered. "When McDouchbag said that thing about you missing a, uh, certain part of him it pissed me off,"

"You got jealous,"

"BUT then I realized it was stupid, that he was just saying that to impress his friends. Plus you...nevermind."

"No, I want to know." I felt this conversation taking a very sharp turn but I didn't know down which road. I was kind of nervous.

"You couldn't miss something you didn't have. You anything with him right?" His tone went from nervous to slightly frightened.

I held the phone away from my face and let out a small giggle. He was so jealous.

"I did."


"We dated for almost a year, did you really expect the answer to be no?"

"No, just hoped it would be."

"You're super jealous!"

I heard him stutter through the phone. He was cute when he was nervous.

"Well uh, this has been pretty awkward and it's getting late so I'm gonna go. Goodnight."

I yawned "goodnight" but he had already hung up. I laughed to myself thinking about a jealous Johnathan. I put my phone on its charger and drifted to sleep.

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