Chapter 8 - Date?

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"Hey, did you already finish that paper for Huntley's class" Jay and I met at Starbucks to get a head start on our three-day weekend.

"I just finished reading the book so, no. Doesn't it have to be like five pages long?"

"Yes, and I'm only two chapters from being done but I have zero motivation to finish."

"Well, the fact that it's due at the end of the week should be a lot of motivation."

She glared at me her mouth full of coffee.

"Hey, you should tell John to come, we could all work on them together! He got his car back so-"

"He has a car? Since when?"

"Since the moment he turned 16. You know how his family is, that's why I was so shocked he wasn't a complete ass when we met."

I mad a "really?" face and she held up her finger.

"I said he wasn't a complete ass. He definitely has asshole qualities but has nice ones too."

She was trying to get me to come around to the idea of me and Johnathan being a thing or whatever but I was still confused. Yeah, he was nice and ridiculously hot but we aren't that close and something else is just telling me this is a bad idea.

Wait. I had given him a ride the other day. Why did he need a ride if he had a car? And why say he missed the bus?

"So you're sure he has a car?"

"Yes, Sherlock, what's the big deal?"

"Uh, nothing. Invite him, how much you bet he hasn't even started?"


"That's nothing!"

She shrugged her shoulders and threw her empty cup away. When we got in the car Jay called Johnathan.

"Hey! You should come over so we can work on our book reports....You have to start sooner or you can't choose later...come on Cameron is gonna help me with mine she could-...Yeah, she's coming...Ok. Bye."

She hung up her phone and placed it in the cup holder closest to her.

"HA! I want my ten bucks!" She rolled her eyes and reached to get her wallet. She pulled out a ten dollar bill and put it in the cup holder closest to me, started the car, and pulled out of the parking lot.

"Well, he said he would be there in like an hour."


"Hey, you guys doing homework?" Jay's mom was like my second mom. She knew some stuff before my mom did. It was easier to tell her stuff because she was like a mom but she didn't give me life lessons afterward. I loved her.

"Yeah, a stupid book report."

"Well, you two have 'fun' I have to go run some errands. It'll probably take me while so be safe." She blew us both kisses and was on her way.

A couple minutes after Ms. Vicky left, the doorbell rang. We both yelled, "It's open!"

"Hey, nerds." John was leaning against the door frame with his bookbag draped on his other shoulder.

"Hey, high school dropout." Jay retaliated.

"I'm surprised you even came." I was sitting on the floor in front of the couch trying to figure out a way to start my paper with Jay sitting in the armchair on the other side of the room.

"I mean if two pretty girls invite be to a house with no adult supervision you think I'm going to pass?"

Jay flicked him off while reading her book and I rolled my eyes and went back to looking at my blank screen.

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