Chapter 22 - Hurt

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I didn't bother to change out of my dad's old NYU hoodie and my plaid pajama pants. I grabbed my Uggs and stuffed my pant legs into them.

I ran downstairs and grabbed my keys off the hook near the door. The sound of my keys drew my parents attention to me. "Woah hey! Where are you going?" I turned around with tears already streaming down my face.

"I need to go to the hospital." My mom hoped off the couch and came up to me once she saw the tears.

"Honey, what's wrong? Are you hurt?"

"It's John. He's hurt and some doctor just called me saying they found him outside of a Target bloody and bruised and-" I needed a moment to get myself together.

"I need to go see him."

"Ok, but I'm driving you because you aren't in the right state to drive." She ran into her room to grab a coat and some shoes.

The whole drive over was excruciating. I could only think the worst. That he would be dead when I got there and wouldn't be able to say goodbye. I wouldn't be able to kiss him again. I wouldn't even be able to say I loved him.

I was so angry it hadn't even crossed my mind that he could've been hurt. My head was starting to hurt.

"Stop that." I sighed and refused to face my mom.

"Stop what?"

"Thinking the worst. You can't do that. He is probably fine sitting in his room waiting to see you."

Or not.

I got to the nurses' station and frantically tried to find someone to talk to. Why the hell was no one here? Just as the thought crossed my mind a short lady with her blonde hair in a ponytail asked if she could help me.

"Obviously. I need the room for Johnathan Fields."

She looked young she was probably an intern maybe a resident. I left bad for snapping but I didn't have time for stupid questions. She told me his room number and the directions to get there.

My mom grabbed my shoulder and pulled me before I could go anywhere. "Do you want me to-"

I was aggravated with all the setbacks. All I wanted to do was see Johnathan.

"Mom just wait here!"

I found my way to the fourth floor, made a right past the double doors and onto the 3800 hallway. There were two people already in front of his door. A tall, brunette woman with her hair pinned up with a jaw clip. The second person was a slightly shorter guy who was basically an older blonder version so Johnathan. His mom I remembered but his dad I put together based on his uncanny resemblance to Johnathan.

"Mrs. Fields..." I realized I probably shouldn't call her that but I didn't want to seem rude and I couldn't remember her first name. She spun around and looked a little confused to see me.


"Taylor. No, I remember you. I just didn't realize that my boy managed to snag such a beautiful girl like you. He talks about you all the time, the name just didn't click I guess."

His dad glared at me and pointed. "You're the girl..."

"Martin-" Ms. Fields rolled her eyes at him and threw her hands up. What was going on?

"No! You're the girl who he was buying flowers for. You know if he wasn't out trying to please some high school fling he probably won't last a month with, he wouldn't be-

"Martin! There was no way she could control what happened."

I stop listen to him after he said: "He was buying flowers for." I was feeling so many things I could hardly focus. He was late because he was buying me flowers? I snapped out of it. "Is he ok? Like will he be...ok?"

That's when I realized he wasn't in the room. "Wait where is he?"

"Surgery but we should be getting an update pretty soon."

The word "surgery" hit me like a brick. I suddenly couldn't breathe. It was like someone sucked all the oxygen out of the air.

What happened to him that he ended up needing surgery? He was just getting me flowers. Did he get robbed? Was he hit by a car?

I slid down the wall behind me and sat on the floor. My legs gave out and my eyes started to water.

"Honey, come one let's go to the waiting room. The doctor should be there shortly." She helped me off the ground and we made our way to the waiting room down the hall.

We waited for what seemed like hours when a doctor came in. "Mrs. Fields?"

"That's me."

The doctor cleared his throat and answered her question. "Your son had some abdominal bleeding from the ruptured spleen. He has a few bruised ribs and a concussion. He'll have to take it easy for a while but he'll be ready to go home in about a week."

There was a sigh of relief between all three of us. I felt like a weight was lifted off my shoulders, I could breathe again. "There was a complication so it might take a bit longer for him to wake up but like I said he'll be fine."

"Can we see him?" Ms.Fields gestured to Johns dad and me. "Um, family only right now."

"Oh no, it's fine she's family." I looked at her in shock while the doctor looked at her in confusion. Did she really consider me part of their family?

"Um I'm sorry ma'am I don't want you to take this the wrong way but, she is obviously not part of your family."

"Excuse me? If I said she was part of the family then she's apart of this family! Now please show me where my son is."

I looked at her then at the doctor and smirked. "Room 3809 right?"

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