Chapter 7 - Dream Boy

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All I could think about lately was Johnathan. I never thought I would find myself in this situation. Everything that happened to me or around me, reminded me of him. Even when I would forget about him, he would pop into my head.

I was in complete denial of how I felt about him. It was pretty clear I had developed a crush on Johnathan but I didn't want to accept it.

We started texting more. He didn't just text me if he needed help with homework or needed a ride home we talked on a daily basis. I found myself getting upset if he hadn't texted me in a while or if didn't see him at school. I'm not his girlfriend was did I care so much?

I decided to go for a jog after school. I don't run or do any type of physical activity but I heard it was good for stress. On top of my school work load and new found feelings for Johnathan, I was completely overwhelmed.

The weather was starting to change from fall to winter so I changed into an old hoodie and a pair of leggings. I took my car to the park a couple miles away. It was relatively quiet considering the elementary school kids were still in school.

I stretched my legs out and tied my hair up into a ponytail before I started running. As out of shape as I was, I managed to keep a steady pace. To be completely honest I wasn't focused on my running or how my lungs were probably burning right now, but that I was thinking about him. I was aimlessly running around the trail, not quite sure when or where I was going to stop.

I shook my head at myself and turned up my music. Whatta Man started playing through my earbuds and I busted out laughing. This would be the song to play. I stopped jogging to get the laughter out of my system but my lungs started to burn and I couldn't breathe.

I grabbed my chest and tried to steady my breathing. I tried to take deep slow breaths but it wasn't working.


I knew that voice anywhere. I looked up to see Johnathan's hazel eyes staring down at me with a mixture of confusion and concern melted in them. I mouthed "Hi" because no words would come out.

"Are you ok?" I nodded and waved him off but he saw through my lie.

"No, you're not. You're breathing too fast. Here, put your hands on your head."

He grabbed my hands and placed them on top of my head and held them there. My breathing started to slow but it still hurt like hell to do so. "You good?"

"Yeah, I think." I took my hands off my head. "I need to sit down, though. I can't feel my legs."

I laid down on the grass, arms wrapped around my eyes. I'm never running again. This is actual hell.

"So what are are you doing out here? You don't run." he chuckled. He put all his weight on his hands as he leaned back and tilted his head towards me.

"Uh, I run." I tried to sound as nonchalant as possible but failed.

"No, you don't."

"Oh, my god you're right, this is hell. I can't breathe! I feel like my lungs are being shredded into-" I was talking too fast.

"Well, I'll stay 'til you catch your breath. Keep you company."

"What- dear god- what are you doing here?"

This whole catching my breath thing wasn't working.

"Running, you couldn't tell?" I tilted my head to face him peeking my eyes through my fingers and realized his shirt was drenched in sweat, clinging to his chest. It was 50°, what was he doing training for a marathon?

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