Chapter 18 - Christmas Eve

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I understand that its the middle of summer but i am in a very christmasy mood and this gif is everything to me atm so :p


It was snowing which rarely happens on Christmas Eve. Johnathan, Jaylen, her "boyfriend" and myself all agreed to exchange gifts at my house since none of us would be able to on Christmas.

"Hey Cam, thanks for inviting me over. You really didn't have to."

I didn't really like the guy Jay was seeing. She could do so much better and I told her. He was very polite but not the greatest looking kid.

Since she's my best friend, I accepted it. His name's Isaiah. I didn't have a genuine reason for not liking him, I just dont. I feel bad for not liking him but at the same time not really. It's something he'd have to earn. Maybe it's just me being over protective. Whatever.

"Yeah I know, and we really aren't close enough for you to be calling me Cam. Not yet anyway."

I tried to cover it up with a laugh but it didn't work. Jay shot me a look and I heard John snicker as I sat in the armchair with him.

"Sorry. Uh so presents?" Isaiah suggested trying to break the awkward silence.

My mood changed dramatically. I hopped out of the chair almost kneeing John in his manhood. I saw him flinch. I picked up three gift boxes and handed them to Jay, John, and Isaiah.

"Hey, why is Jay's box bigger than mine?" Johnathan whined.

"Because she's my best friend."

"I'm your boyfriend doesn't that give me best friend privileges?"

"Yeah but not as many as Jay." I pecked his cheek and wrapped my arms around his neck, sitting back in the chair we were sharing.

"Someone open a present!"

"Is she always like this?" Isaiah asked the group.

We all responded "Yes" in unison but I answered a lot more enthusiastically than they did. Their responses were filled with more annoyance.

I love Christmas. I love shopping for people and wrapping presents. And watching people open them is just so satisfying to me. Seeing their smile just makes me happy. Oh and don't get me started on making cookies, putting up decorations, and Christmas movies.

"Just wait until she puts on Elf." Jay teased.

"Aw, I love Elf."

"Right?! Isaiah, you just moved up the scale." He chuckled.

"Oh my god you two are sickening."

"Just a little," Johnathan added as he kissed my cheek.

"Pfft, whatever. Open or they get returned."

Jaylen and Johnathan opened their gifts simultaneously. I giddily smiled as they tore off the sparkly, red and green wrapping paper.

"No way..." John mumbled. "You didn't. You got me a S.T.A.R. Labs sweatshirt?!"

You see Johnathan, my baby, is a secret-

"NERD! You're a nerd!" Jay scooted to the edge of the couch and pointed. "How did I not know that you liked The Flash?"

"I did a very good job of keeping up my 'bad boy' facade. But oh my god you are the best girlfriend in the world!"

"I got one too." I giggled. "I couldn't help it! I really wanted one, and I know this makes us look like a super cheesy couple now-"

"Now?" Jay snorted.

"BUT, I knew you would love it too so I just got you one when I bought mine."

"Well, I don't care if we look cheesy we will be the nerdiest, cheesiest couple in the world because I have a S.T.A.R. LABS SWEATSHIRT! This is the best Christmas gift I have ever gotten, I'm not joking."

He took the hoodie he was wearing off and put his new sweatshirt on while Jay took the rest of her wrapping paper off her present box.

"Aww!" she held up the painting I made her. It was a picture of us from when we were little except I used surrealism. So yeah it looked like us but it was a bunch of different colors.

"Wait you painted that?! Damn."

I forgot Isaiah had never really seen any of my art.

"Yeah, I've been working on it for a while. Isaiah, I got you a gift card because I didn't really know what else to get so, here ya go."

I handed him the card holder and I realized he wasn't that bad of a guy. I'll definitely go a little easier on him from now on. Unless he tries something then over protective best friend Cameron comes back.

"So can we agree that I am the best gift giver to ever live? Yes? Awesome."

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