Chapter Fourteen: The Awaited Meeting

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Luke's POV~~~~

The days without out Rey here have been long. I can't see her future. Therefore I can't protect her. Her future is as blind to me as Ben's was. I grimaced. I can't think of that. I wo...... that feeling. That presence. Ben....

"Luke Skywalker. It is about time that we meet again." The man that consumed Ben said.

"Kylo Ren. It's still to soon."

"Quit the talk old man. Where's Rey."

"I don't know. She never told me."

"You can't fe...." he stopped.

I couldn't see in his mind. He was closed off to me.

"Leave Rey out of this Ren. This, right now, is between us."

"You're so wrong, then right. This fight is between us but Rey is why I'm here. You are the only person in her way. She needs to release her anger."

"If you kill me then she will never join you."

"Anger Luke. Anger. She will be angry at me. Weak. She will join me." He ignited his red bladed lightsaber. The saber that holds the death of many.

"She will surpass the dark side. She will defeat you."

"You can't even see her future. You don't know." He said .I lite my saber.

"That's not the first thing she will be angry at. Dishonesty is not the answer Luke ." His voice changed. It seemed shocked.

I couldn't even feel him. How?

"Stop questioning and fight Luke!" He yelled at me. I lite my lightsaber.

"I'm sorry Ben. I've failed you. " I said.

"The man who has failed me is dead. This has always been my destiny. No matter what you say. My path won't change."

" Snoke. He is using you. "

"You can still make your choice Luke. Join me."

"Never. The dark side comes with pain and suffering. You already know that. You are in pain."

"Then die."

" No, Ben. You can still make the right choice. "

"You could've made the right choice. Because of the decision you've made your future is ....." he stopped.

Kylo's POV~~~~~

His future..... it's all too familiar.

I turned off my saber.
"I don't need to kill you. Rey will do that for me." I turned my back on him. And I made my way back to my ship.

"You can't see her future Ren." He said back.

" I've seen more then you. Oh, I suppose I have to thank you. You've made this much easier then I expected."

"You are lost. To not see the light in Rey. The light you are trying to snuff out. It will be harder then you think." He said.

I made my way to the ship.

" patch me a transmission to Supreme Leader Snoke."

"Yes sir." The trooper said.

"Kylo Ren. What news do you have for me."

"Supreme Leader. I have a new plan in place to ensure Rey's turn to the dark side." I said, " and Skywalker will be assisting."

"He is not dead?"

"No, but he soon will be. And not by my saber." A grin came across Snoke's face.

"Make sure she completes her task."

"Yes, Supreme Leader." The transmission ended.

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