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"Ahem, um.. yeah. So now that we've danced can we continue watching Camp Pining Hearts?" Peridot asked, blushing. Lapis giggled, "Okay." Peridot smiled and headed up the ladder with Lapis behind her.

"Season three episode..?" Peridot asked, looking at Lapis who was already on the couch. "Episode five." The ocean gem replied. "Alright... episode five." Peridot repeated quietly.

The little gem put the disc in and got to episode five. She then took a seat next to Lapis. "Okay, it's ready." Peridot said.

Lapis smiled and kept her blue eyes on the TV. Peridot looked at her, then at the TV. 'She's so beautiful...' Peridot thought, her face heating up. Ugh, these thoughts again!

The small gem had never felt anything like this, these thoughts were unfamiliar. Every time she thought of Lapis in this way she got this odd feeling. Peridot hated these feelings.

The green gem let out a low grumble and focused on the TV. "Is something wrong?" Lapis asked, looking at the flustered Peridot. "No." Peridot responded quickly.

"Okay then." Lapis smiled, looking back at the TV. Peridot sighed and tried to keep her eyes on the TV, but all she wanted to do was look at Lapis for just a second. Peridot chewed on her bottom lip, trying to ignore that Lapis was right beside her.

All she had to do was turn her head to the left for a quick second... but it wasn't that simple. What if Lapis caught her staring in that one second? Stupid feelings.

The small gem kept her eyes on the TV, longing to look at Lapis. She squirmed awkwardly, feeling a pair of eyes on her. A pair of blue eyes.

Peridot turned her head, only to meet Lapis' gaze. "Hi." Lapis smiled. "H-hey." Peridot said awkwardly.

"You seem a little off. What's the matter Peri?" The blue gem asked, scooting a little closer. "Mmmm... nothing. I already told you, it's nothing." Peridot replied, looking up at Lapis. The ocean gem raised an eyebrow questioningly.

"Are you sure?" Lapis asked. Peridot nodded confidently. "Hmm.... I don't believe you." Lapis sang.

Peridot groaned, "Well you should." Lapis chuckled and looked back at the TV. Peridot looked at the TV, the episode was almost over.

After about five minutes the episode had ended. "So uh, wanna do something else?" Peridot asked. "Sure." Lapis smiled.

"You can pick. I've gotta take care of this disc.." Peridot said, standing. "Okay." The blue gem said, watching Peridot. The small gem quickly took care of the disc and turned the TV off.

"So what do you want to do?" Peridot asked, turning to face Lapis. Lapis just looked down at Peridot, a small smile on her face. Peridot stared at her impatiently.

"Well?" The green gem asked. No answer came from Lapis. "Lazuli can you hear me?" Peridot asked, waving a hand in front of Lapis' face. Lapis giggled.

"What?" Peridot asked, looking around the room, "What's so funny?" Lapis had a small smirk on her face, "You're cute." She said.

"Gah! I'm not cute!" Peridot exclaimed, looking up at Lapis angrily. "Yes you are." Lapis chuckled. "Stupid earth names, don't call me that!" Peridot said, frowning.

"It's a compliment Peri." Lapis said coolly. "But I didn't ask to be called cute! I didn't ask for a compliment!" Peridot said, almost shouting. "You don't have to ask to be complimented." Lapis laughed.

Peridot blushed, "Oh uh.. thank you then. Um, Lazuli?" "Yes Peridot?" Lapis smiled. "You're... you're cute too." Peridot said softly.

"Thanks." Lapis chuckled, a light blush spreading across her face. Peridot twiddled her thumbs, face heating up. A long silence fell over them.

"So, now what?" Lapis asked, looking at Peridot. "Um.. whatever you want to do." The small gem replied. Lapis shrugged, "I don't know what I want to do."

"Oh.. well we don't have to do anything." Peridot said, looking up at Lapis. "Alright." Lapis smiled, resting her head on Peridot's shoulder. Peridot felt Lapis's hand on hers.

The green gem looked down at their hands. She intertwined her fingers with Lapis'. Lapis closed her eyes, a small smile graced her lips.

The ocean gem hummed softly. She cuddled closer to Peridot, who's eyes were also closed. "Peridot?" Lapis said quietly.

"Yes Lazuli?" Peridot replied, opening her eyes. "D-do you ever think about or..Or miss home?" Lapis asked, opening her eyes but looking away. Peridot looked at Lapis, a small frown on her face.

"N-no. I.. I have something else now. I-I'm a Crystal Gem." Peridot said quietly, "Do you think about or miss home?"

"Not as much as I did." Lapis replied, her voice hushed. "What do you mean not as much as you did? You still miss home?" Peridot asked, almost shocked. "Well.. now that I'm here with... with you, I find myself missing home less." Lapis said, a small smile tugging at her lips.

"Oh.. I hope I can make this feel like a home to you." Peridot said, squeezing Lapis' hand softly. "After all, I was the one who took you away from home against your will..." The small gem added, guilt washing over her. Lapis sighed, squeezing Peridot's hand tightly.

"That was in the past.."

Peridot felt a stinging sensation in her eyes. Lapis looked at Peridot, tears were forming in the corner of the small gem's eyes.

"H-hey, don't cry. It's over with, and I forgave you. And if it makes you feel any better... you have made this feel like home."

Peridot felt tears rolling down her cheeks. Lapis then wrapped her arms around the smaller gem and pulled her close. "Don't cry Peri.." She said softly, running her fingers through Peridot's hair.

Peridot closed her eyes, wrapping her arms around Lapis. The green gem hugged Lapis tightly, burying her face in the blue gem's neck. "I didn't mean for you to get stuck here." Peridot said, voice muffled.

"It's okay. I'm glad to be here with you and the others. Please don't cry anymore." Lapis said, hugging Peridot back. "You wanted to go home, and now you can't all because of me.." Peridot said, tears falling onto Lapis. The blue gem rested her head on top of Peridot's hair, closing her eyes.

"I don't want to go home anymore... this is my home, here with you."

Peridot broke into more tears, hugging Lapis closer. "Please don't cry for me Peridot, everything that happened was a long time ago. I'm glad you took me away from home, if you didn't I wouldn't be here with you." Lapis smiled, tears forming in the corners of her eyes. Peridot pulled her face out of Lapis' neck, making eye contact with the ocean gem.

"Do you actually mean that?" The green gem asked, wiping her face. Lapis nodded, pulling Peridot into another hug. "I wouldn't lie to you." She said.


"Yes Peridot?" Lapis said, holding the small gem close.

"Don't let go."

Lapis felt her eyes begin to sting, tears rolled down her cheeks. She had no clue why she was crying, those words just really got to her.

"I won't, I promise." Lapis whispered, rocking Peridot gently.

"Never let go."

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