Twenty Nine

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Lapis opened her blue eyes, realizing she and Peridot must've fallen asleep. It was now dark out, they had been asleep for a while. The ocean gem looked at Peridot, who was still in a deep sleep.

Lapis then thought of what had happened with their gems. She reached back and felt her gem just to be safe. The water gem looked at Peridot's gem, it appeared to be alright.

With a content sigh, Lapis relaxed. Like Peridot said, everything was alright. They'd be alright.


Morning arrived quickly, the sun pouring into the barn. Lapis opened her eyes, yawning. 'Peridot better wake up.' She thought, as she had allowed Peridot to sleep the whole night.

Lapis reached back to her gem, putting her hand on it. She immediately removed it, wincing. "Ouch!" The water gem cried, her gem hurt.

Peridot jolted up, looking at Lapis. "Lazuli, what's the matter?! Why are you yelling?!" The green gem asked. "P-Peridot, there's something wrong with my gem! It hurts!" Lapis said, wincing as another wave of pain washed over her gem.

"What?! But it was fine just last night!" Peridot said. "I know, is your gem okay?" Lapis asked. Peridot felt her own gem, nodding.

"It feels fine." The small gem replied. "Okay, good. I wonder what's happening to me." Lapis said, worried. "Just let me check, I'll try not to hurt you." Peridot said.

"Alright.. be careful." Lapis said, turning so Peridot could see her gem. The green gem looked closely at Lapis' gem, there were no cracks in it. "Does it hurt if I do this?" Peridot asked, putting a finger on her gem.

"A little." Lapis replied, "But not as bad as it did when I put my hand on it." She continued. "Hmm..." Peridot said, tracing around Lapis' gem. "Does this hurt?" The little gem asked.

"Not so much, it's mostly my gem." Lapis said, twiddling her thumbs. "Odd... did you fall on it?" Peridot asked. "No." Lapis replied, laughing at the question.

"I don't know what to do Lazuli, I've never heard of this before." Peridot then said. Lapis turned around, frowning. "Do you think I'll be okay?" The blue gem asked.

"I'd like to think so." Peridot said, nervously smiling at Lapis. "Peridot what if there's something wrong with me?" Lapis asked, eyes wide. "I-I don't know, but if there is I'll try everything I can do to help you." Peridot said, hugging her.

Lapis hugged Peridot back, wincing at the pain in her gem. "Maybe you should rest Lazuli, if you do that the pain in your gem might go away." Peridot said. "But what will you do?" Lapis asked.

"I'll be right next to you, we can go upstairs and watch Camp Pining Hearts." Peridot smiled. "Okay." Lapis said, a small smile tugged at her lips. The green gem took Lapis' hand, walking towards the ladder.

They went up and sat on the couch, Lapis cuddled close to Peridot. Peridot turned the TV on, picking the episode they left off on. Lapis looked at the TV, trying to ignore the pain in her gem.

Approximately thirty minutes had passed, and the pain was getting worse. Lapis groaned and kept focused on the TV. "Lazuli are you alright?" Peridot asked, looking at the ocean gem.

"I'm fine Peridot." Lapis said, glancing at the small gem. "Does your gem feel any better?" The green gem asked. "No, not at all. It's getting worse." Lapis replied.

"Oh.. let me see it." Peridot said. Lapis turned around without a word. "The outline of your gem is almost a light red.." Peridot said, touching Lapis' gem.

"Ow.." Lapis said quietly, flinching at the touch. "Sorry." Peridot apologized, taking her finger off Lapis' gem. "It's fine." Lapis whispered.

"Lazuli I'm beginning to grow concerned.." Peridot said, "I don't know what to do about this." The green gem added. "I'm scared Peri.." Lapis said, turning around.

"I'm here for you." Peridot said, taking one of Lapis' hands in her own. "I know." Lapis smiled. Peridot returned a smile, pulling Lapis close to her.

"Maybe Steven will know something about this. If he doesn't then maybe one of the others will." Peridot said. "Maybe." Lapis said quietly. "If they don't know anything I guess we'll have to figure it out on our own." Peridot continued.

"I hope it goes away." Lapis said softly. "Me too, I don't like seeing you like this." Peridot whispered. "Aw Peri, you're too sweet." Lapis chuckled, nuzzling her face into Peridot's neck.

Peridot grumbled and gently squeezed Lapis. Lapis giggled and sighed happily.

"Hey Peri?"


"Whatever is happening to me, you promise you'll be there for me, right?"

"Of course Lazuli, I'll always be here for you."

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