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A few days had went by, and Lapis was a little skittish. She clung to Peridot like a tick, still afraid of losing the green gem. Peridot tried to convince her it wasn't real, but it never worked.

Today was a nice day, it wasn't too hot or cold. Peridot was sitting outside the barn while Lapis swam in the pond. "You don't wanna get in?" The blue gem asked, smirking.

"No, and I mean it." Peridot replied, crossing her arms. Lapis chuckled and swam around. Peridot watched, smiling.

"Hey!" A voice called in the distance. Lapis opened her eyes widely and hurried out of the pond. Peridot knew she was scared.

Lapis ran to Peridot, landing on her. The blue gem squeezed Peridot tightly, "What if it's them?" She asked, voice shaking. "It's not them, it's Steven." Peridot said as Steven approached them.

"Oh uh, hey guys. Are you two busy?" Steven asked, looking at the two gems. Lapis was sitting so her legs were wrapped around Peridot's waist and her face was buried in Peridot's neck. "No." Peridot shook her head.

"Okay, Lapis are you alright?" Steven asked as Lapis got off Peridot. "Yeah, I'm good." The water gem said, face heating up in embarrassment. "So Steven, what brings you here?" Peridot asked awkwardly, glancing over at Lapis.

"Oh nothing, I just haven't visited in a while." The boy said, smiling at Peridot. Lapis looked at the green gem, then Steven. "So what have you two been up to?" He asked.

"Um.. nothing much. We've just been watching Camp Pining Hearts and stuff." Lapis said. Steven nodded, "What season?" He asked. "Three." Peridot replied.

"Are you sure you two are okay? You guys seem a little off.." Steven said, looking from Peridot to Lapis. Both of them nodded, "What makes you think we're off?" Peridot asked. Steven shrugged, "I dunno, you guys are being all awkward and stuff." He chuckled.

Lapis didn't say anything, neither did Peridot. "Is there something you want to tell me?" The boy asked. "No, everything is normal here." Peridot said, standing.

Lapis watched Peridot stand up, but she remained sitting. The blue gem almost felt disappointed, didn't Peridot want to tell Steven what had been happening between them? Didn't she want Steven to know of their newly budded romance?

Lapis felt herself frowning, she wasn't listening to a word Peridot or Steven said. The blue gem suddenly had the desire to tell him. She looked up at Peridot and Steven.

Lapis stood, causing Steven and Peridot to look at her. The ocean gem looked at Peridot, a small frown on her face. Peridot looked up at her, confused.

"Well Steven, there is something I'd like to tell you." Lapis said.

Peridot felt herself begin to blush. "What is it Lapis?" Steven asked. Lapis looked at Peridot for a second, then at Steven.

"Well... Peridot and I we.... we're together." Lapis said, blushing as well. A huge grin tugged at the young boy's lips. He smiled at them.

Suddenly he began to jump up and down. "Woohoo! Finally!" Steven exclaimed, hugging Peridot. The little gem smiled and looked at Lapis.

Steven then gave Lapis a hug. "I'm so happy for you guys! Is it okay if I tell the others?" He asked. Lapis looked at Peridot, who shrugged and nodded.

"Sure." Lapis smiled, hugging Steven back. "Aw man that reminds me, I owe Amethyst five dollars. She said with all of this time at the barn you two were bound to end up together." Steven said as Lapis let him go. Peridot and Lapis chuckled.

"Well, I better get going! I can't wait to tell the gems! See you guys!" Steven waved as he began to run home. Lapis and Peridot stood next to eachother, saying their goodbyes. When Steven was gone Lapis looked down at Peridot, grinning.

"What?" Peridot asked, blushing. "You're just really cute." Lapis giggled, falling onto Peridot. The blue gem was on top of Peridot, giggling.

"Lazuli! Get off me!" Peridot exclaimed, a dark green blush on her face. A small smile graced Lapis' lips and she lay down, resting her head on Peridot's chest. Peridot couldn't help but smile as she wrapped her arms around Lapis' back.

Lapis hummed happily, closing her eyes. The sun shone on them, warming Lapis' back. Peridot closed her eyes too, still blushing.

They lay like this for a while, Peridot soon fell asleep. Lapis stayed awake, she didn't like to sleep before Peridot. The blue gem waited for a long time until she fell asleep.


Lapis' eyes shot open, tears rolling down her cheeks. Her breathing was fast, she was scared. The blue gem wiped her tears, nuzzling closer to Peridot.

Lapis soon began to shake, the nightmare she just had was absolutely horrifying. Peridot opened her eyes sleepily, hearing Lapis' shaky breaths. "Lazuli?" The little gem said.

"Peridot..." Lapis said quietly. "What's the matter?" The green gem asked, squeezing Lapis softly. "Another bad dream I guess.." The ocean gem said.

"What's going on with you and these bad dreams? Have you been experiencing a lot of them lately?" Peridot asked. "Well, kind of. I usually wait until you're asleep until I go to sleep. I always have some kind of bad dream, and it wakes me up. I try to be quiet so I don't wake you, but they've been so horrible lately." Lapis said, voice hushed. Peridot felt her face soften, and she squeezed Lapis tighter.

"Why didn't you tell me sooner? Why didn't you wake me up? I don't want you to be scared.." Peridot said. "Because it doesn't matter, you shouldn't have to put up with my issues." Lapis replied. "I don't want to hear that Lazuli, we're together. I'm here for you. Whenever you wake up from one of those bad dreams, wake me up too." Peridot said, cupping Lapis' face in her hands.

"Are you okay?" The small gem asked, her green eyes meeting Lapis' blue eyes. "Not really.. I'm still a little shaken." Lapis confessed. The blue gem lay her head back on Peridot's chest.

Peridot began to play with Lapis' hair, humming softly. She was trying to calm Lapis. The blue gem closed her eyes, trying to relax.

Peridot continued humming, twirling a strand of Lapis' hair around one of her fingers. The green gem felt Lapis shaking and began to sing.

'It's her hair and her eyes today that just simply take me away'

Lapis opened her eyes, a small smile tugged at her lips as Peridot sang.

'And the feeling that i'm falling further in love makes me shiver but in a good way'

Lapis tried to calm herself, closing her eyes again.

'All the times i have sat and stared as she thoughtfully thumbs through her hair'

Peridot didn't know why she was singing, but it seemed to work.

'And she purses her lips bats her eyes as she plays with me sitting there slack-jawed and nothing to say'

Lapis smiled and began to sing with Peridot.

'Cause I love her with all that i am and my voice shakes along with my hands cause she's all that I see and she's all that I need and i'm out of my league once again'

They giggled together when they were done singing. Peridot hugged Lapis, smiling. "Did you enjoy my singing?" The green gem chuckled.

"Of course I did." Lapis smiled. Peridot was very relieved when she felt Lapis stop shaking. The green gem squeezed the water gem and shut her eyes.

Lapis let out a small sigh. She cuddled Peridot, blushing. Her smile wouldn't go away for some odd reason.



"I love you so much."

"I love you too, Lazuli."

"I feel so lucky right now."


"Because you just sang to me, played with my hair, and cuddled me all at once."

"I feel lucky too."


"Because you're okay."

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