Thirty Five

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Four days had passed. Those four days consisted of Lapis taking the geodes everywhere she went, Peridot and Lapis trying to figure out names, and what Pearl called "Gemling proofing" The barn.

"You probably shouldn't have that sitting there." Pearl told Lapis, pointing to the CD player. Garnet, Amethyst, Pearl, and Steven had come to help gemling proof the barn today. "Where can I put it?" Lapis asked, picking the CD player up.

"Somewhere up high where the gemlings can't reach it." Pearl said. "How about I take it upstairs." Lapis suggested. "Sounds good." Pearl replied, walking away.

"Ahem, so what's the point of this?" Peridot asked Garnet, who was organizing stuff. "Gemlings are curious creatures, they tend to get into mischief with things like these laying around." Garnet said.

"Hey Steven, look at these!" Amethyst called, picking a geode up. Lapis was climbing back down the latter when she saw Amethyst with the geode. The blue gem watched closely.

Amethyst was about to hand the geode to Steven when she almost dropped it. Lapis rushed over in a frenzy, taking the geode from the purple gem. "Please be careful." Lapis said, gently handing it to Steven.

"Woops, sorry." Amethyst said. Lapis narrowed her eyes at the short gem and went back to cleaning up. "So these have little gems inside them?" Steven asked, looking closely at the geode.

"I guess so, pretty cool right?" Amethyst smiled. Lapis turned her head, keeping an eye on the two.

"This place is an absolute mess, it's going to take forever to gemling proof!" Pearl exclaimed. "We never said you had to do it." Peridot said. "But you need to do it." Garnet chimed in.

"If you say so." Peridot said quietly. The green gem looked over at Lapis, who seemed a little on edge. "Are you alright?" Peridot asked, walking over to her.

"I'm fine, I'm just worried they're gonna drop the geodes." Lapis said, gesturing to Amethyst and Steven. "It'll be okay Lazuli, they won't drop the geodes." Peridot replied. "Amethyst almost did!" The blue gem said in a whisper.

"Well Steven won't, that I know. Now come on, we need some help." Peridot said. "Peri, someone needs to watch the geodes.." Lapis said, but she had no choice. Peridot was already taking her hand.

"They'll be okay I promise." Peridot said. "Oh, good thing you two are back to helping. We need you to tell us what you want out of these so we can put them up." Pearl said, pushing all of the Camp Pining Hearts DVDs towards them. "We want all of them." Peridot replied, looking down at the DVDs.

Lapis nodded and looked over her shoulder at Amethyst and Steven. They were now sitting by the basket, laughing. "What are they laughing about?" Lapis asked Peridot, gesturing to them.

"Something funny, probably." Peridot said. "Hmm.." Lapis said, folding her arms. "Oh c'mon Lazuli, they won't harm the geodes." Peridot said, pulling at the blue gem's arm.

"I just think they need someone to watch them, just in case they accidentally do something.." Lapis said, giving Peridot a small grin of hope. "Fine." Peridot sighed. The ocean gem planted a kiss on Peridot's forehead, smiling.

"Thanks Peri." Lapis purred. Peridot nodded watched as the blue gem sat next to Steven. "She's already a great caretaker." The green gem chuckled.

"Hm?" Pearl asked, looking at Peridot. "Lazuli is really... protective of the geodes. I can't even imagine what she's going to be like when they hatch." Peridot said. "There's nothing wrong with being like that, it ensures your little one is safe." Pearl smiled.

"But it's unnecessary, she doesn't want them around anyone else. The gemlings will need to be socialized or else they'll be small monsters." Peridot argued. "Peridot, it's not that she doesn't want them around anyone. It's because she's afraid of them getting hurt. I know how she feels." Pearl replied.

"What? Did you have gemlings of your own?" Peridot asked, tilting her head. "No, but I do have Steven. And I know what it's like to not want anyone to hurt your little one." Pearl said, looking at Steven. "But you're not Steven's 'mother'." Peridot said.

"That's true, but Garnet, Amethyst, and myself are the closest thing he has to a mother. We try our hardest to protect and care for him, just like Rose would've wanted us to." Pearl said, blushing at the mention of Rose's name. "Oh." Peridot said, she didn't know what to say. "So don't blame Lapis, she's doing what's right." Pearl said

"Um, okay." Peridot replied, slowly backing away from Pearl. The green gem then looked over at Lapis, Amethyst, and Steven.

"This is so cool Lapis! Now there are gonna be tiny versions of you and Peridot!" Steven grinned. "Yeah, Peri and I are pretty excited." Lapis chuckled. "Me too! I can't wait until they hatch!" Steven exclaimed.

"All this baby talk is lame, I think I'm gonna go see what Garnet's up to." Amethyst said, walking away. Peridot then sat on the other side of Steven. "Hi." The green gem said.

"Oh, hey Peridot." Steven said. "Oh Peridot, you're just in time!" Lapis said. "In time for what?" Peridot asked.

"Why don't we ask Steven about names for the gemlings, like we were taking about?" Lapis asked. "Oh, yes. Lazuli and I wanted to name our gemlings like humans name their young. The problem is we don't have any good names." Peridot said.

"Oh my gosh! You want me to help name the gemlings?! Of course I will!" Steven grinned. "Hey, how about you guys give me the names you already talked about?" Steven asked. Peridot brightened at this, causing Lapis to shake her head.

"Well I had a genius idea! I think we should name them Percy and Pierre, after Camp Pining Hearts!" Peridot grinned. "It doesn't seem like Lapis is up for that idea." Steven smiled, gesturing to the frowning Lapis. "She's not, but I don't understand why." Peridot said.

"Lapis, do you have any names?" Steven asked. "Bob." Lapis replied. "Aww, Bob Lazuli! Cute!" Steven exclaimed.

"What do you think, Peridot?" Steven asked. "Well, the name Bob Lazuli does not sound bad. But why does Lazuli get to pick and I don't?" Peridot asked. "Don't worry, you will get to pick! There's another gemling, remember?" Steven smiled.

"Oh, yeah. Well since I can't name it after Camp Pining Hearts, I have no idea." Peridot said. "Hmm... Bob is a nickname for Lapis, so why don't we choose one of your nicknames?" Steven suggested.

"It can't be Peri, I'm Peri." Peridot said. "But that's a cute name!" Lapis protested. "No need to argue guys, I can solve the problem! We could just spell Peri a different way. For example, we spell Peridot's nickname P-E-R-I. We can spell the gemling's name P-E-R-R-Y instead." Steven said.

"Hmm... okay." Peridot smiled. "Lapis?" Steven asked. Lapis was nodding, a huge smile on her face.

"So there, Bob and Perry!" Steven grinned as he pointed to the geodes. Peridot smiled at Lapis, she looked so happy.

"Thanks Steven." Lapis then smiled. "No problem." The boy said. "Steven, we're done here. We should probably get going." Pearl called. "Oh, okay. See you four later!" Steven winked, running to the gems.

Peridot looked at Lapis, who was grinning at the basket. "Perry and Bob, huh?" The green gem smiled.

"Yeah, Perry and Bob."

A/N: I don't like doing these, but this one is necessary.  I want to thank @YellowLazuli  for the name ideas, as soon as I saw the name suggestions she gave me I knew they were perfect, though Bob was already going to happen lmao. So I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter as much as I did! Peace out! <3

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