Chapter 52 - School Play?

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*Knock knock knock*

"I'll get it." I said and ran towards the door. I opened it and saw Julian. "Hi love!" He was standing there like a lost boy, wearing his uniform and his backpack on one arm, while holding a teddy bear. I wasn't expecting him to be here after school. "Hey what are you doing here?" My heart was pounding loud. "Dropped by to give you this.." He handed me the adorable teddy bear wearing a shirt that says "Love", and continued smiling like a little boy. "Awwwww!" I got the bear and hugged it. "You're too sweet!! Come on in." I held his hand and pulled him inside.

"Hey guys!" Julian said. "Hey!" They replied. "Want some pancake, dear?" Tyler asked, offering a sliced piece of pancake. Julian chuckled, "No thanks."

"Hi best! Sorry I fell asleep last night." Keith said. "It's alright! Hey, can me and Allie.. spend some private time together?" Julian held my hand, swinging forward and backward. "Sure!" They all replied. I looked at him curiously, "Where are we going?"

"Just downstairs." He replied with a cute smile. I nodded and grabbed my phone. "Allie, how about your pancakes?" Keith asked, holding my plate. I slowly paced near Keith with eyes that scared her, "Don't you dare eat them."

They stayed silent for 3 seconds and laughed all together. Julian and I proceeded to the door. "Keith, I'm serious don't eat my pancakes!" I screamed then closed the door.

"You really love pancakes huh?" Julian looked at me and chuckled. "So much!" I laughed. He unintentionally looked at my wrist and saw the bracelet. "Aw you're wearing it." He smiled cutely.

We walked hand-in-hand until we got out of the elevator and saw Veronica. "What are you two love birds dong here?" She asked gladsomely. We walked towards her and leaned on her table. "Hey Veronica!" I gave her a bright smile. "Hi." Julian did the same thing. "So, how are you guys?" She stared at us, cupping her cheeks with her hands.

Julian cleared his throat, "Well.. uhh." I giggled and squeezed his cheek. "We're good and yeah." He laughed.

Suddenly, his phone rang.

"Uh excuse me guys." He said and let go of my hand, grabbed his phone from his pocket and paced 5 steps away. I wonder who was it.


I saw Franchesca calling.


"Hi Julian!"


"I was just wondering if we could hang out tomorrow after school.. to rehearse our lines?"

"Uhh.." I stopped for a second and looked at Allie. I know she'll get mad if she finds out Chesca and I have the lead roles in our school play, A Cinderella Story written by one of our classmates.

"Julian? Are you still there?" Chesca asked.

"I'll think about it. I have to go now Chesca. Bye."

*Call ended*


"What's wrong, dear?" I asked Julian, who looks very worried about something. "Uh, Veronica will you please excuse us for a minute?" He said, holding my hand. "No prob at all!" She smiled.

We walked out of the building and stayed at the garden where the long bench is located. He was in front of me with his back facing me. "Is there something you want to say?" I look at him in his side view, with an innocent face. He turned around and held both of my hands. "Yes." He sighed. "Please promise not to get mad." He looked deep into my eyes. I swallowed hard and nodded. "This coming December, we will be having a school play. All the seniors will be the characters in each play. And.." He paused for a while and looked down. "And?" I lifted his chin up, giving him a sweet smile. "And I got the part of the prince in the play, A Cinderella Story.."

I smiled with excitement, "Really?! Oh my gosh! Congratulations!!" I exclaimed. "And Franchesca's gonna be Cinderella.." He continued, looking down while closing his eyes.

My heart fell 30 feet on the ground, my face changed and became emotionless, as I swallowed hard again. "Ohh.."

He looked up slowly, "Please don't get mad at me. I mean I tried talking to our teacher, I told her I didn't want to do it but she insisted. I promise you I did everything I could to get rid of the part.. but it didn't work out. Hope your not mad." he explained, stuttering.

I smiled at him, held his right cheek sliding my thumb smoothly. "Hey it's okay with me. I swear. You did a lot of things for me, and this is my way of repaying you." He looked at me, confused. "But-"

"It's fine with me, seriously. I want you to do it, for me." I nodded. "Are you-"

"Yes I am sure." I giggled. "But aren't you gonna be-"

"I'll try not to be jealous. It's just a simple play and you guys are just gonna pretend." I said.

He was in shock and obviously didn't expect my response.

"To be honest.." I let go of his hands and sat on the bench. "I'm not comfortable with that Chesca girl. But I trust you and I know you're doing this play because you have to."

He sat beside me and placed one arm around me. "I understand, love. See, Chesca is a nice girl but I really really really don't see her in that way. And it's maybe because I'm too blind to see other girl's beauty. My eyes, they are locked on you." Julian whispered to me with his sweet tone of voice that tickled my heart.

I automatically smiled and said something abruptly. "You did great on my 5 sentence essay about love huh." I teased. He chuckled so cutely and didn't expect me to say that. "I certainly am inspired by you." He chuckled again and looked at me with a smile that never fades. I leaned towards him and squeezed both of his cheeks. "Gosh I love doing that." I said. He leaned towards me and did the same thing until our cheeks were both red and blushy. If you'd ask me, I am in pain right now.

We laughed and slowly let go of each other's cheeks. "So you're okay with the school play?" He asked once again. "Super okay! I'll be there to watch you and scream on the top of my pharynx for you!"

"No getting jealous?" He raised both of his eye brows. I shook my head like a little kid and we both laughed again. I rested my head on his shoulders while hugging him with my left arm. His left arm was around me too and his right hand holding mine. He kissed my forehead that made me feel special and important to him. "How are you feeling now, by the way?" He asked with his caring tone of voice.

"Perfect." I replied. "I talked to mom this morning." I added. "Really? That's good! Did you tell her what happened?"


"Did she freak out?"


He laughed. "I knew it."


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