Chapter |1|: The life of Faith Gonzalez

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"Faith can I see you after class?" Miss Hill asked as soon as the bell rang indicating the end of class and most importantly the last day of school. I am finally done with high school. This place where nothing happens but gossip, Fights, And drama. Sad how those all fit together.

I spent most of this year with my head in my notebook writing down novels to describe how I truly felt about everyone. Not like it can sum up the years of these people who I bet won't ever accomplish anything a day in their lives.

Just last week a teenager by the name of Morgan Gidhari got pregnant by Mr. Frazier. To me it was funny. Like an everyday Ezra and Aria , Or at least that's what they tried to be like.

Another hilarious outcome at this hell hole, When my dumb ass ex Daniel Green got expelled his first day of school all because he decided to show up high as a kite like he had no common sense. I even managed to add that to my book. Although I still can't find a name for it but I promise I will.

"Yes ma'am?"

"Well I spoke to the head at UCLA and they offered you an internship to get further into the publishing business"

I smiled from ear to ear. "Thank you so much"

"Oh don't thank me , Years of your hard work and dedication paid off. The only thing is , It's an internship"

"I actually got an internship!?" I asked basically screaming but quickly regained control. I'm not one for sudden outburst. More on the classy side like I have been raised for. Since I was 5 I was raised to know everything with manners. From the salad fork to the soup spoon I was raised the right way.

The proper way. Then again this is my summer break. Hell my big break, Mama won't mind a little excitement.

"This is literally to good to be true" I said more to myself.

"The only problem is-"

"I can't believe this, I got an internship?" I asked with excitement in my voice interrupting her sentence. I mean what problem could their possibly be?

She laughed. "Yes you did, I knew you could do it Faith. The only problem is, This isn't your average internship"

"I'm up for anything"

She smiled and handed my a beige folder full of papers "Great"

"What is this for?"

"It's everything you need to know about the internship, It's usually more of a summer type of program for young children who have the brain capacity of a genius. You'd be surprised how many people like you are there"

I couldn't help it, I hugged her and almost let a tear slip from my eyes.

"Thank you so much"

"You're welcome sweetie, You should be going though, I rather not have your Aunt Carol coming in here arguing over why you're late"

" Right" I said and grabbed my keys before exiting out of the door with a proud smile on my face. This is like I'm stepping right out of my past into my present.

What more can a woman ask for?

Tuesday, June 14

Edited: 12:15 Am

Life can be a very mysterious journey. I remember when I was much younger and I let mommy braid my hair as I sat down in my lawn chair watching Akeelah and the bee.

I smiled with my two front teeth missing making it easier for me to put a straw through it and drink my orange juice simple. Now I'm eighteen and it's the best feeling in the world.

Picture it. Someone my age with talent. Talent that's recognized. Talent that's meant to be shared with the world.

I know what you're thinking, Your typical light skin who just wants the world in her hands. Well no. I've been treated like everyone else because that's what I chose to do.

The gay community. I stick up for them. The goths, The Bad boys and the gang members who feel as though they have no one to depend on. They depend on me. I'm proud of that.

"Honey, Everything alright?" My mom asked me as she came in with her cane. I smiled and clicked save on my computer.

Recently she's been diagnosed with breast cancer and she hasn't been out and about like she usually is. I know and I'm leaving her. But I'm not. She has my sister Tanya and once my dad found out he begged to quit his job but my mom refused. She knows her therapy is working and it is. Her hair is fully growing back but she still has a limp in her leg she never told me where it came from.

"I couldn't sleep, Did Miss Hill tell you about the internship I got?"

"Oh my god honey that's amazing I knew you could do it" She smiled while sitting on the bed.

"I've been thinking about if I should even take it, Daddy thinks I should"

She smiled and tilted her head to the side, Her dark gray eyes looking into my brown ones.

"You can't hold off your life for me, I'm healing and I have God to thank. You, You're going to be something and I'm so proud of you. I just wish Tanya and Charlie would follow in your footsteps instead of having kids at a young age and not knowing how to get by"

Tanya is my older sister. She's twenty-six and already is pregnant with her fourth child by the same man. She calls it love but he had three other baby mama's all pregnant. While my brother Charlie is currently working in New Orleans selling drugs and running from the law because of this deal he got in that he just found out was a set up from his old time friend rosko that's also my ex.

"So you think I should go?" I asked and she stood up.

"It would offend me if you didn't"

"I love you mama"

"I love you too honey, Now go to sleep" She laughed before walking out the door and shutting it.

I smiled and looked at the stack of papers on my desk knowing all I have to do is sign those papers in order to get started.

"Looks like I'm going"

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