Chapter |13|: Two different opinions

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After Maurice dropped me off that night. It's like things changed and in an awkward way. He was out of it for seconds at a time and when he finally snapped back into reality he would reply with 'Hmm?' Or 'Huh' Or my favorite 'What's happening?' I don't know if it's me. Or if that whole thing was as awkward for me as it was for him. Because that's exactly how it felt.

"You alright?" Mya asked as she sat down next to me in the library.

"I'm great, As great as great can be"

She raised an eyebrow. "How was the date? Zach said Maurice hasn't stopped smiling yet and you well you have that dull face expression he usually has"

"I enjoyed it. I mean. I enjoyed some of it. It's just weird. What does this mean? Does it mean he likes me? Does this mean he's my boyfriend?"

"You clearly never been on a date before, Just because he asks you out doesn't mean you're dating"

"But it does mean feelings are there"

She shrugged. "I mean usually it does. What's wrong with that?"

"Nothing.. Alright something. It's Maurice"

She blinked. "And you're Faith, Next topic"

"It's just odd. It's like water and oil dating"

"True.. If oil was water"


"You and Maurice are like twins. You both enjoy the same thing, From the same place, Have the same background stories. I feel like the problem is you feel like he's to good for you"

"I feel like everyone is to good for me"


"I'm guessing the date was good" Zach laughed and I smiled.

"Amazing. I have never liked a girl this much. I've never liked anyone this much.

"Wow" He laughed and I crossed my arms.

"What's wow?"

"Well the fact that you two are Polar opposites and you are coming together"

I pouted. "We're not opposites"

"Alright, Alright. It's whatever you say" He shrugged.

I looked at him then squinted my eyes as he made his bed. I watched his every move and he looked at me.


"You like her"

He laughed. "What? Man stop playing"

I leaned against my wall with my arms still crossed and a straight face. "You like her"

"I don't" He argued while still cleaning his side of the room.

"Yes you do"

"I don't"

I squinted my eyes and walked over to him picking up his beats.

"What are you doing?"

"I'll snap these in half if you don't admit it"

"Nooo man that's a little to far"

I started stretching them.


I stretched them further with a dull face expression not caring if they snap in my hands.

"Okay Okay!" He yelled while dropping to the floor and I stopped stretching them.

"Alright, I like her! But it's not like I wanted to like her. I really didn't. I figured this would go like a movie or book you know, I'd end up with Mya. But dear God she's so boring. She's soooooooo boring. Have you noticed how she's barley even in the cut? I don't want this to ruin our friendship I swear I'll get over her just put. The beats. Down"

I laughed and shook my head before throwing the headphones at him which he quickly caught.

"Could've just told me"

"You see what you did just to make me admit it? Would've broken my records if I actually just reluctantly said it"

"You're right, But I'm seriously feeling faith" I said sitting in my chair and started spinning in it.

"I can tell, How do you think she feels about it?"

I kept spinning. "Not sure, I don't think I should ask. I really don't need my feelings hurt anytime soon"

"Well have you told her about the party your mom's hosting"

I stopped spinning and pouted. I forgot all about that talk we had.


"Do you believe she called me to tell me I must bring a date? That woman seriously knows how to piss me off"

"Bring Faith" He shrugged and I smiled as a plan popped it's way into my brain.


"Faith!" Maurice yelled as I put the key into my door. I looked up as he ran towards me.

"Oh, Hey" I said awkwardly. Maybe Mya is right. Maurice and I are a lot alike. Maybe we would actually be cute together.

"Hey, So I was wondering if you'd go out with me to this dinner party"

"A second date? Already?"

His face dropped.

"No I mean, I just didn't expect so soon"

Her perked back up. "Oh, Well I really enjoyed your company"

"That's sweet Maurice" I said while opening my door and going inside.


"Hmm?" I asked honestly confused.

"The date sweetheart"

"Oh right, Yeah I'll love to go, When is it?"

"Saturday at nine, I'll just come here to get you again and we'll take my car."

"You wouldn't mind if we bring Mya and Zach would you?" I asked honestly scared to be alone with him again.

His face became straight. "Yes, I most certainly do mind."

"Of course" I mumbled.

"Then it's settled, I'll see you Saturday?" He asked.

"Where else would you see me?"

He looked at me and pecked my lips catching me off guard.

"Sweet dreams sweetheart" He smiled before walking out the room.

Did he just kiss me?

I couldn't help it.

I blushed.

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