Chapter |38|: Shaking hands and apologizes

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Forgiveness honestly is the best you can give. You may never forget the pain or the past but you forgive because if you don't. Your stubbornness hurts more than the problem~ Maurice Mitchell


"Hello? Maurice I know it's you"

I sat there.

My hands shaking and my mouth becoming unbelievably dry as I held the phone close to my ear with my lips parted.

What do I say?

What do I actually say to my ex girlfriend who I am in love with but who still was going to cheat on me. I sound even more dumb, Was going to cheat on me. She didn't. I don't even know if she was going to do it all I know is she thought about it and didn't tell me.

Why did that just piss me off?

But I can't yell at her again and I can't exactly break up with someone I already broke up with.

Can I?

No I can't do that and even if I could do that I wouldn't because that's wrong. Faith is the love of my life. Even though my life is very unexplainable.

Regardless I have to say something. I called her and I can't just stay here and breath heavily.

I am breathing into the phone

I held my breath and furrowed my eyebrows knowing I'll pass out any moment.

Maybe she'll hang up and I can breathe. It's not like anyone would really wait on the phone that long.

"I am not hanging up until you speak to me"

I rolled my eyes and breathed out feeling myself become light headed.

It's settled I have to speak to her and I have to do it now and I have to do it rather I like it or not.

I opened my mouth to speak but stopped and dropped the phone on the bed feeling my hands become sweaty.

I can't do this.

I don't understand why this is so hard for me she is just a girl.

But she's not just a girl she's Faith.

"Come on Mitchell you're tougher than this"

"No I'm not" I said replying to myself.

"But you are, You have come this far don't be such a punk"

"That is very rude I am not a punk being scared is common"

"Oh yeah? Well only punks talk to themselves"

"Oh really? Well only jerks reply to themselves"

I sighed and groaned into my hands. "I just called myself a punk and a jerk"

Standing up I looked at my phone as I paced back and forth debating what to do.

Not really debating since I have no choice but to speak to her. This is just really hard for me and I once had to climb a mountain just to get an interview with a monkey who knows sign language.

Alright he just kept doing the okay sign and his translator was lying to become famous.

But that's besides the point.

Picking up the phone I looked at how long I've been on the phone. Okay 20 minutes isn't that long. It's like a minimum. Now an hour, Yeah that's way too long.

Maybe I should give it an hour and eventually she'll fall asleep or her phone will die.

But my phone could die first and it'll just seem like I hung up and that's really suspicious and rude.

"Maurice I know you're talking to yourself right now and I don't care. You're finally talking to me. Well you finally called me. I Just can't lose this opportunity, So take all the time you need"

All the time aye?

I smirked at that thought as I eyed my car outside. Shaking it off I kept looking at the phone.

I'm frozen right now

I pouted. If I would've said that out loud and Zach would've heard me he would've told me to let it go.

That's it. What Zach would've done to help me overcome my fear of rejection.

He would've said something to make me laugh.. Something.

I'm not exactly funny.

"He would've said.. Something" I sighed.

Don't be such a You and talk to her.


Come on dude don't be such a pussy.

That would've gotten him punched.

I've watched you overcome everything. This one thing can't possibly be hard for you.

That helped a little. Need more.

Don't be such a Drake and fucking talk to her dipshit!

Okay no.

Deciding I put the phone to my ear and opened my mouth.


"Hi? That's it?"

I swallowed. "Hi, How are things?"

She laughed. "At least you're trying, I've missed you a lot. Like really a lot"

"I... I.." I took a deep breath. "I missed you. I'm such an idiot for breaking up with you. I sound lame. I'm sorry. I'm sorry about everything"

"Don't apologize Maurice, I'm not upset"

"You're right, I'm sorry, No" I sighed. "I'm sorry, Fuck I'm sorry" I groaned and she laughed.

"Never mind, I think we should talk. Can you come see me?"

"I want to. I want to, But I can't. I got a job I should've told you"

It was quite for a while. "What type of job?"

"Journalist. I travel.. A lot. I just arrived home. I leave in a couple weeks"

"Oh" She replied sounding disappointed.

"But hey, I'll see you again, We'll see each other"

"It's fine..I'm happy for you"

I bit my lip. "I love you" I blurted out and closed my eyes while sighing.

"I don't think you should say that to me Maurice"

"But" I trailed. "It's true"

"I know, And I love you too. But this just isn't meant to be I guess"

"I thought you missed me"

"I did. I do. So much. But we have our own things and I can't stop you and I'm already too far in my job to just up and quit. Being together would just be more complicated now"

"Being with you was never complicated. Being with you has always been the best thing ever. I always felt whole with you. I felt like I had a purpose with you"

"You have a purpose without me, I probably should go"

"I don't want us to be on bad terms again" I pouted as my grip on the phone loosened.

"We aren't, I love you"

"I love you too"

"Talk to you soon" She said before hanging up on me.

I let go of the phone and looked at my wallet on the counter. Debating in my head I picked it up and walked out of the room.

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